Final exam information:
The final exam is on December 11, 3:30 PM, in MATH 104.
The exam will cover all course material (see topics.html)
but with a little bit more emphasis on the more recent topics which were
not covered on the midterms (Chapter 7 of the textbook). Books, notes, or
calculators will not be allowed.
Old Math 101 final exams are posted on the AMS web site at
The last class on November 28 will be a review class - suggestions
are welcome! My office hours before the final exam will be as follows:
- Tuesdays, December 2 and 9: 11:00-12:00 AM
- Wednesdays, December 3 and 10: 11:00-12:00 AM
- or by appointment.
Mathematics 101 (Integral Calculus), Fall 2003
Instructor: I. Laba. Office: Math Bldg 239. Phone: 822 2450.
Office hours: Monday 11-12, Tuesday 10-11, Wednesday 3-4
Textbook: R. Adams, Single Variable Calculus, 5th edition.
Course web page:
This is an honours section of Math 101, covering the same topics,
but in more depth and with more emphasis on harder exercises. Some
theory (rigorous definitions, theorems, proofs) will be given, with
emphasis on logical thinking rather than memorization.
Prerequisites: A grade of 5 in AP Calculus AB, or 75% on the
Calculus Challenge exam. Registration is only possible through
the Mathematics Department.
Your course mark will be based on the homeworks (10%),
two midterms (20% each), and the final exam (50%).
The midterms will be held in class on Wednesdays, Oct. 1 and 29.
The date of the final examination will be announced
by the Registar later in the term. Attendance at the final
examination is required, so be careful about making other
commitments (such as travel).
Grades may be scaled.
Homeworks will be due every Wednesday except the
midterm days. If you cannot come to Wednesday's class, ask a friend
to hand in your homework, or bring it to my office by 3 PM.
The lowest two homework scores will be dropped.
You are encouraged to discuss the homework with other students,
but please write up the solutions on your own. It is best to
get started on the homework early in the week; if you have any
questions, please feel free to ask during office hours.
Academic concession. If you are unable to write a midterm
or hand in a homework on time, and if you:
- have a legitimate excuse and provide supporting documentation
(e.g., a medical certificate in the case of an illness),
- notify me as soon as possible (in particular, students who
cannot attend classes or write an examination for religious reasons
are required to notify their instructors two weeks in advance)
you will be eligible for academic concession. The default is that
your course mark will be based on your other work (homework: 10%,
midterms and final exam: total of 90%). If you would like to make up
for the missed work in other ways, please discuss it with me as early
as possible.
Topics covered in class and recommended
exercises from textbook
Homework 10, due Nov 26
Homework 9, due Nov 19
and solutions
Homework 8, due Nov 12
and solutions
Homework 7, due Nov 5
and solutions
Midterm 2 solutions
Sample Midterm 2
and answers
Homework 6, due Oct 22
and solutions
Homework 5, due Oct 15
and solutions
Homework 4, due Oct 8
and solutions
Midterm 1 solutions
Homework 3, due Sept 24
and solutions
Homework 2, due Sept 17
and solutions
Homework 1, due Sept 10
and solutions
Course schedule (tentative)
[Mathematics Department]
[University of British Columbia]