Mathematics 220 homework, Winter/Spring 2015, Sections 201 and 202
Homework assignments will be due at the beginning of class.
Each assignment will be announced and posted here at least a week in advance.
- Homework 1, due on Tuesday, January 13:
These questions cover Sections 1.1-1.4 of
the textbook. You are responsible for all of the material in these sections. Make sure to review
the notation for the "special" number sets in the table at the end of Section 1.1. We will be using
these symbols throughout the course.
- 1.4 c,d,e
- 1.7
- 1.12
- 1.17
- 1.19
- 1.25
- 1.29
- 1.38
Solutions are posted here.
- Homework 2, due on Thursday, January 22:
These questions cover Sections 1.5-2.6 of
the textbook. You are responsible for all of the material in these sections.
- 1.40
- 1.42
- 1.46
- 1.54
- 1.60
- 2.6
- 2.16
- 2.29
- 2.32
- 2.44
Solutions are posted here.
- Homework 3, due on Tuesday, February 3:
These questions cover Sections 2.7-2.11 and 3.1-3.5 of
the textbook. You are responsible for all of the material in these sections.
- 2.48
- 2.55
- 2.59
- 2.68
- 2.70
- 3.4
- 3.10
- 3.16
- 3.20
- 3.27
- 3.30
- 3.32
Solutions are posted here.
- Homework 4, due on Thursday, February 12: PDF
Solutions are posted here.
- Homework 5, due on Thursday, March 5:
These questions cover Sections 5.1-5.5 and 6.1
of the textbook. You are responsible for all of the material in these sections.
- 5.4
- 5.10
- 5.18
- 5.21
- 5.28
- 5.34
- 5.44
- 6.12
- 6.13
- 6.16
Solutions are posted here.
- Homework 6, due on Tuesday, March 17:
These questions cover Sections 6.2 and 8.1-8.5
of the textbook. You are responsible for all of the material in these sections.
- 6.23
- 6.25
- 6.26
- 6.27
- 8.7
- 8.10
- 8.19
- 8.32
- 8.38
- 8.49
Solutions are posted here.
- Homework 7, due on Tuesday, March 31:
These questions cover Sections 9.1-9.6
of the textbook. You are responsible for all of the material in these sections,
except for "well defined functions" on p. 225, end of Section 9.4. (This uses material from
Section 8.6, which we did not cover.)
- 9.2
- 9.10
- 9.14
- 9.19
- 9.23
- 9.28
- 9.32
- 9.41
- 9.52
- 9.72
Solutions are posted here.
Guidelines for writing and submitting your homework:
- Show all work. Write clearly and legibly, in complete sentences. Remember that you will be graded
both on your command of the material and on the quality of your writing.
- Do all problems in sequence if possible.
For each solution, identify clearly the section and problem number
(e.g. 1.2, 1.30). Staple your assignment.
- You may discuss the
homework with other students, but the final write-up must be your own.
If you cannot come to class, ask a friend to hand in your assignment
or drop it off at your instructor's office before class on the due date.
Late homework will not be accepted.
- In Sections 201 and 202, we will not require homework assignments to be typeset.
If you would like to type your assignments, we recommend using a typesetting program
called Latex. This page, set up by Prof. Rechnitzer for his section of the course, provides a variety of latex links and resources (including online tools you can use). However, please note that we will not be able to offer technical help or answer latex-related questions.
[Mathematics Department]
[University of British Columbia]