Math 100: Differential Calculus with Applications
Sections 1A1 & 1A3

Fall Term 2023
Lior Silberman

General Information

This is the page for information specific to sections 1A1 and 1A3 of MATH 100; See the Canvas page for course-wide information (assessments, course policies, and the like) including the link to the online homework (WeBWorK).

Additional resources

Do not contact the instructor by email unless the avenues below have failed
  1. General questions about the course (course material, math questions, questions about the syllabus or course policies, etc) are best asked on the Piazza discussion forum (your instructor will be active there).
  2. Requests about your personal case (grading issues, exemptions, group changes, etc) should be made to the course assistant through the Calculus Contact Form.
  3. The Math Learning Centre is open Monday through Friday.
  4. Here are some Common Errors in Undergraduate Mathematics. Avoiding these common pitfalls will improve your grade measurably.

