The validity of the vanishing viscosity limit, that is, whether solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations modeling viscous incompressible flows converge to solutions of the Euler equations modeling inviscid incompressible flows as viscosity approaches zero, is one of the most fundamental issues in mathematical fluid mechanics. The problem is classified into two categories: the case when the physical boundary is absent, and the case when the physical boundary is present and the effect of the boundary layer becomes significant. We will start with the first case and then focus on the second case. In the second case, both no-slip and slip boundary conditions will be considered.
Lecture summaries and some references will be available in a public owncloud folder, whose link will be given to the audience. The link will expire on May 31, 2025.
Dr. Tai-Peng Tsai, Math building
room 109, phone 604-822-2591, ttsai at
MATH building room 202, Tue Thu 2pm (I may try to move the days to Mon Wed Fri as I
also teach an undergraduate course on Tue Thu 11am)
Office hours: TBA, and by appointment.