CLP-3 Multivariable Calculus textbook
- This textbook covers multivariable Calculus. There are chapters on vectors and geometry in 2 and 3 dimensions, partial derivatives, and multivariable integrals.
CLP-3 Multivariable Calculus problem book
- Many of the problems were taken from old exams, midterm tests and quizzes.
- Please read the “how to use this book” section carefully before you start working.
CLP-3 Multivariable Calculus combined text with exercises
- This combines the textbook and problem book into a single text.
- It is an html version which is easily read on a laptop, tablet or mobile phone.
- The actual word-on-the-page is the same in both versions.
- This combined version was produced using PreTeXt
- We cannot presently release a combined PDF version because of significant changes to the software that was used to produce the previous combined PDF versions.
If you find a mistake
- Go to the Bug Bounty page and check the errata list to see if has already been found.
- If you are a UBC student then you might qualify for a gift card - see the Bug Bounty page
- Otherwise if you find an error in the notes then please send an email to Please include
- a description of the error,
- the page number and any additional information that will help us locate the error (such as an example number),
- and the compile date of the version - this will be on the front page of the PDF.
- Please send comments or requests to the same address.
If the problem concerns the mobile text only, then please make that clear in your email.
- Please send comments or requests to the same address.
A dated list of changes to these texts can be found here.
CLP-3 source files
- The source files for CLP-3 (both formats) are posted on github and licensed under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0 International License