This thesis (and a good number of other theses and articles) is motivated by the simple question:
Rather than leaping in at the deep end, let us start with a simpler question:
Since there are an infinite number of cells on the square grid, and a single tile can be placed on any of them, there are an infinite number of ways we can place a single tile. All of these different ways, however, are equivalent under translation -- there is only a single way to colour a single cell (up to translation).
In the same way, both of the arrangements in figure 3 are equivalent under some translation. In light of this, let us modify question 1:
We know that there is only a single way to place a single tile (up to translation). What about placing two tiles? Consider the three arrangements in figure 4. The tiles in the first two arrangements (left and centre) touch, while in the last the tiles are separated by at least a single lattice spacing. It is not difficult to see that there are only two connected arrangements of two tiles. Let us define connectedness a little more carefully:
![]() |
If an arrangement of tiles is connected, then we call it an
polyomino, or a polyomino of area
. Unless explicitly
stated otherwise, we will consider polyominoes defined up to translation (i.e. if
can be mapped to polyomino
under some translation, then we will
consider them to be the same).
The name, polyomino, was introduced by Golomb [14], and is the generalisation of dominoes.
On the other hand, we can easily create an infinite number of disconnected
arrangements of two tiles -- take the single arrangement of a single tile, and then place
another tile cells to its right, where
is some integer strictly greater than
Using similar reasoning, it is not hard to see that there will always be an infinite
number of disconnected arrangements of
tiles (for finite
) .
Since there are always a finite number (up to translation) of polyominoes of area
, and an infinite number of disconnected arrangements of
tiles, we modify
question 3:
Before we consider what is known about the number of polyominoes, let us first consider what we would accept as a solution to question 4.
Rather than delving into a deep discussion of computational complexity and mathematical philosophy, we will attempt to answer this question in a heuristic2 way.
Any answer to question 4 must be a two step process of the form:
This ``definition'' of a solution clearly allows a very wide range of possibilities --
ideally we would like to find the ``best'' possible solution, however this is
really hard to define. It is much easier to start with the ``worst'' type of
solution. Perhaps the ``worst'' way4 in which we can
compute is to use brute force to list all of the polyominoes with
is then the length of the list5. For many problems no better method is forthcoming and this ``worst'' method
is in fact the best available.
Any method that is ``faster'' than this ``worst'' approach (particularly when is a
large number) is, in some weak way, a solution;
combinatorialists consider a nice solution to be one of the
By an expression being ``easy to evaluate'' we mean that evaluating the expression should
be substantially faster than the brute force method -- if we wish to compute all the
elements in a set , then a solution of the form
Another slightly different way of ``solving'' a polyomino problem (which we do not explore
in this thesis) is to somehow map the original problem to a new problem that can be
solved. A solution to the new problem may not give us a means of calculating , but it
may give us exact values of other quantities of interest, such as growth constants and
critical exponents (see section 2.2 below).
As an example of the different forms of a solution, let us consider the simpler question of permutations:
Alternatively we could solve the recurrence for the (exponential) generating function,
Any solution to question 4 that took one of these three ``compact'' and ``efficient'' forms (i.e. a closed form expression for the coefficients or the generating function, or an efficient algorithm) would be most welcome. In this thesis we will almost exclusively consider solutions in terms of generating functions.
In one dimension, it is easy to see that there is only a single -celled polyomino for
any given
. As soon as one ventures into two or more dimensions, however, the answer is
not so simple; it may come as a surprise that the answer to question 4 remains
elusive even after more than
years of intensive study
[15,29,40]. Arguably the strongest rigorous result on
the number of polyominoes concerns their asymptotics. Let
denote the number of
polyominoes of area
on the square lattice. A concatenation argument
[30] shows that
The existence of tells us that the number,
, of polyominoes of area
exponentially with
; for any
we have (for sufficiently large
. There are lots of them! It also allows us be a little more
specific about what we would require of a good solution to question 4.
Since the number of polyominoes grows exponentially, the time taken by a brute-force
approach must also grow exponentially (time
). Consequently, any method
that evaluates
in either bounded time (time
) or polynomial time (time
, for some
) would be a very good answer to
question 4. Even an exponential time algorithm (time
, for some
) would be, in some weak sense, a solution. The best ``solution'' to date
(in two dimensions) is an enumeration algorithm based on the finite lattice method
[9] -- this still requires exponential time and
space8, but is exponentially faster than brute force
Since the enumeration of polyominoes (and related objects) in one dimension is trivial, in this thesis we mostly consider enumeration problems in two dimensions (on the square, triangular and honeycomb lattices).