The Maple Advisor Database is a project of the Symbolic Computation Group of the University of British Columbia, under the direction of Robert Israel. You can access the database on-line, or download and install it on your own computer. The database consists of a library of Maple procedures, plus a database of Maple help pages in the following categories:
When installed on your computer, the help database can be searched using "Full Text Search" on Maple's Help menu. Thus if you want to know how to label an axis of a plot with a Greek letter, you might enter something like "greek letter plot label" in Full Text Search, and find a help topic "Greek_letters_and_other_symbols_in_plots". Or if you encounter an error, you could enter the error message in Full Text Search and find a help page that addresses the problem. Alternatively, you can browse the list of topics on our web pages, or the Maple help page ?advisor.
There are separate versions of the database for Releases 4 and 5 (including 5.1) of Maple V and for Maple 6 and up. Please be sure to use the appropriate version for the Maple release that you have.
Release 4 database Release 5 database Maple 6 and up database
We would be happy to receive feedback on all aspects of this project, including suggestions for further topics, or contributions to the project in the form of Maple procedures or help pages. Send e-mail to Robert Israel at, or regular mail to
Robert Israel
Department of Mathematics
University of British Columbia
Vancouver, BC, Canada
V6T 1Z2
The Maple Advisor Database is protected by copyright, but is made freely available to the Maple community. You can redistribute it, or include its procedures in your own software, provided that the copyright notices are included. We hope you will find it useful, but it has NO WARRANTY: not even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
R. Israel, May 1998