Files to download and install on your computer:
Note that many of these bugs, which occur in Maple 6, have been fixed in later releases.
&^ - elementary fractional powers | .mws file | source file | .m file |
allsolve - all solutions of an equation on an interval | .mws file | source file | .m file |
BarChart - produce a bar chart from data | .mws file | source file | .m file |
changecoords2d - change coordinate systems in a 2d plot | .mws file | source file | .m file |
chart - show a table of function values | .mws file | source file | .m file |
colourize - change colours in a plot | .mws file | source file | .m file |
Copy - true copy for modules, procedures, etc. | .mws file | source file | .m file |
crop - restrict a plot to a box | .mws file | source file | .m file |
csum - check convergence of a series | .mws file | source file | .m file |
disremember - produce procedure without option remember | .mws file | source file | .m file |
errorbar - plot with error bars | .mws file | source file | .m file |
expands - symbolic version of expand | .mws file | source file | .m file |
factrix - take out common scalar factors from a matrix or vector | .mws file | source file | .m file |
fixD - prepare a function for differentiation with D | .mws file | source file | .m file |
flatten - entries of a structure involving lists, sets, or arrays | .mws file | source file | .m file |
gmax - maximum of an
expression on a real interval
gmin - minimum of an expression on a real interval |
.mws file
.mws file |
source file | .m file |
greatestroot - find floating-point approximation
greatest root of an equation or expression on a real interval. |
.mws file | source file | .m file |
inequalities - plot region defined by inequalities | .mws file | source file | .m file |
kronprod - Kronecker product of matrices and/or vectors | .mws file | source file | .m file |
labelledcontourplot - contour plot with labelled contours | .mws file | source file | .m file |
leastroot - find floating-point approximation to least root of an equation or expression on a real interval | .mws file | source file | .m file |
listminus - delete members of one list from another | .mws file | source file | .m file |
Logplot - logarithmic plotting | .mws file | source file | .m file |
makediff - produce a `diff/...` procedure | .mws file | source file | .m file |
matfunc - function of a matrix | .mws file | source file | .m file |
PieChart - produce a pie chart from data | .mws file | source file | .m file |
PVInt - numerical principal value integral | .mws file | source file | .m file |
quickplot - fast 2-d curve or point plotting
of a list or hfarray
quickplot3d - fast 3-d curve or point plotting of a list or hfarray |
.mws file
.mws file |
source file | .m file |
semidef - test for positive and negative definite and semidefinite matrices | .mws file | source file | .m file |
sniffmem - find procedures with large remember tables | .mws file | source file | .m file |
splitup - break up an integral, sum or product | .mws file | source file | .m file |
surfarro package | .mws file | source file | special instructions |
- arrow2d - plot arrow as line in 2d with triangular head | .mws file | ||
- arrow3d - plot arrow as line in 3d with pyramidal head | .mws file | ||
- curvarrows - plot curve with arrows from a vector field | .mws file | ||
- surfarrows - plot surface with arrows from a vector field | .mws file | ||
tools/gensym - produce a homonym | .mws file | (part of Maple) | |
vnapply - make function from expression and arguments (replacement for unapply) | .mws file | source file | .m file |