The West Coast Optimization Meeting
11-12 April 1997

All participants are welcome at this free, informal meeting. To complement the excellent technical presentations, there will be ample opportunity for conversation and discussion.

Social Session: Friday, 11 April 1997

We will meet at 7:30 p.m. for dinner, at
The Beijing Restaurant
865 Hornby Street
Vancouver, BC
Reservations are essential. See the dinner menu for details.

Technical Session: Saturday, 12 April 1997

Harbour Centre Campus of Simon Fraser University
515 West Hastings Street
Canfor Policy Room, Room 1600

(Click for a list of nearby hotels.)

List of Participants
(Everyone is included, not just speakers.)


Time Speaker Title (Highlighted titles include an abstract)
08:45-09:00 (Coffee)
09:00-09:50 Ulrich Haussmann
Controlling inflation using interest rates
09:50-10:20 Yongheng Shao
Some equivalent variational principles for viscosity subderivatives with controlled ranks
10:20-10:40 (Coffee)
10:40-11:10 Michael Monagan
CODEGEN: A toolbox for manipulating Maple programs
11:10-12:00 Boris Mordukhovich
Wayne State University/Math
Coderivatives of multifunctions with applications to variational analysis and optimization
12:00-13:45 (Lunch) Several restaurants are within walking distance
13:50-14:40 Jim Burke
University of Washington/ Mathematics
Variable Metric Implementations of the Proximal Point Algorithm
14:40-15:10 Thomas Stromberg
University of Lund, Sweden
Viscosity solutions of Hamilton-Jacobi equations
15:10-15:30 Xianfu Wang
On the Construction of Hölder and Proximal Subderivatives
15:30-15:31 Closing Ceremony

Local Organization

Local scientific organizers of the meeting are Jonathan M. Borwein (SFU/CECM) and Philip D. Loewen (UBC/Math). Email Loewen to get on the WCOM97 mailing list or to propose corrections and updates to this page.

General Information

The West Coast Optimization Meeting takes place twice each year. The autumn meeting is so far little more than a hopeful expectation in the hearts of regular participants, but it will probably take shape over the summer, and be staged in Seattle before the snow flies.

Philip D. Loewen, 7 April 1997