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Here are some of my writings, ordered from most least recent.

  1. Thinking of (1,1) knots using elastic bands on peg-boards and combed glazing on the mille-feuille. MSc thesis, 2020. The first half aims to be a readable introduction to Heegaard Floer theory. The second half is an attempt to get a handle on the combinatorics of bigons in genus 1 Heegaard diagrams.
  2. From Seifert Fibrations to Geometry, 2018. Essay written around December 2018 to answer the simple question: how does a Seifert fibration induce a geometry on a 3-manifold. Sketchy in parts, read at your own risk!
  3. A Study of the Dirac Monopole. BSc final project, 2017. Here you will find an explicit computation of a pullback of the natural connection on the Hopf fibration to the sphere. It turns out to be a magnet.