.: Teaching

WT2 2023-24:
Math 101 Integral Calculus with Applications
  The definite integral, integration techniques, applications, modelling, infinite series.
     Section 2A2:    Canvas page
     Section 2A4:    Canvas page
Math 230 - Marvels of Mathematics
  A variety of topics in mathematics, showcasing its beauty and utility. Intended for a general audience of students whose degrees have no mathematics requirements, but who may be curious about practical and recreational mathematics.
   Section 202:    Canvas page
Math 444 - Mathematical Research and Writing
  Current research topics in pure and applied mathematics are explored at the undergraduate level. Technical communication and research skills are developed.
   Section 202:    Canvas page

WT1 2023-24:
MATH 220 Mathematical Proof
  Sets and functions; induction; cardinality; properties of the real numbers; sequences, series, and limits. Logic, structure, style, and clarity of proofs emphasized throughout.
   Section 108:    Canvas page

WT2 2022-23:
Math 101 Integral Calculus with Applications
  The definite integral, integration techniques, applications, modelling, infinite series.
     Section 2A2:    Canvas page
     Section 2A4:    Canvas page
Math 444 - Mathematical Research and Writing
  Current research topics in pure and applied mathematics are explored at the undergraduate level. Technical communication and research skills are developed.
   Section 202:    Canvas page

Before this, I was the instructor for:
Math 101 Integral Calculus with Applications to Physical Sciences and Engineering - Section 209,
Math 100 Differential Calculus with Applications to Physical Sciences and Engineering - Section 102,
Math 220 Mathematical Proof - Section 108,
Math 220 Mathematical Proof - Section 107,
Math 220 Mathematical Proof - Section 202,
Math 220 Mathematical Proof - Section 204,
Applied Statistics I (MA1020),
Math for Life (MA1005).

Selected earlier teaching:
• FirstBridge Instructor (at AUP) for The Mathematical Imagination, Calculating Politics
• Instructor (at AUP) for Calculus I (MA1030), Linear Algebra (MA2041)
Applied Statistics I (MA1020), Math for Life (MA1005)
• Instructor (at Occidental College) for Ma105: Mathematics for Liberal Arts.
• 'Assistant Principal' (at EPFL) for Algèbre linéaire.
• Created and taught an EPFL graduate course on Artin representations.
• Instructor (at Caltech) for Topics in Number Theory.

Photo by Aditya Chinchure on Unsplash