.: Research

• Congruence class bias and the Lang-Trotter conjecture for families of elliptic curves (with S. Jarov and A. Khadra).
Preprint. Submitted.

• On the distribution of traces of Frobenius for families of elliptic curves and the Lang-Trotter conjecture on average (with Nathan Fugleberg). arXiv version. Submitted.

• On the conjectural decomposition of symmetric powers of automorphic representations for GL(3) and GL(4). arXiv version
Journal of Number Theory, 2022. Journal version

• On the occurrence of Hecke eigenvalues in sectors. arXiv version
The Ramanujan Journal, 57, 1071–1084 (2022). Journal version

• A conjectural refinement of strong multiplicity one for GL(n). arXiv version
International Journal of Number Theory Vol. 17, No. 07, pp. 1583-1598 (2021). Journal version

• On the occurrence of large positive Hecke eigenvalues for GL(2). arXiv version
Automorphic forms and related topics 259-266, Contemp. Math., 732, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2019. MR3973302

• On the distribution of Hecke eigenvalues for cuspidal automorphic representations for GL(2). arXiv version
International Mathematics Research Notices, Volume 2018, Issue 10, May 2018, Pages 3155-3172. Journal version

• Distinguishing finite group characters and refined local-global phenomena (with Kimball Martin). arXiv version
Acta Arithmetica, 179 (2017), 277-300. Journal version  

• Matching densities for Galois representations. arXiv version
Proceedings of the AMS, 144 (2016), no. 8, 3309-3316. Journal version  

• On the occurrence of Hecke eigenvalues and a lacunarity question of Serre. arXiv version
Mathematical Research Letters, 21 (2014), no. 6, 1465-1482. Journal version  

• Further refinement of strong multiplicity one for GL(2). arXiv version
Transactions of the AMS, 366 (2014), no.9, 4987-5007. Journal version  

• On the size of Satake parameters for unitary cuspidal automorphic representations for GL(4). arXiv version
Journal of Number Theory, 133 (2013), no. 10, 3470-3484. Journal version 

• Thesis: Supersingular distribution, congruence class bias, and a refinement of strong multiplicity one. Caltech page
California Institute of Technology, 2011. MR3153250

• Supersingular distribution on average for congruence classes of primes. arXiv version
Acta Arithmetica 142 (2010), no. 4, 387-400. Journal version