Christoph Ortner


Current Teaching

Material from Previous Courses

Theory of ODEs

A 30 hour module for 2nd year undergraduate students at Warwick (2013, 2014). The focus of this module is on analytical ideas. Main topics are Picard, maximal solutions, Gronwall, first order regular perturbation theory, Euler method, stability in autonomous systems (linearised and Lyapunov). [ notes | exercises ]

Continuous Optimisation

A 16 hour introduction for 4th year undergraduates in Oxford. Topics covered are optimality conditions, Newton's method, Steepest descent, quasi-Newtion methods, trust region methods, some constrained optimisation. [ notes | exercises ]

Solid Mechanics

A 16 hour introduction for 4th year undergraduates in Oxford. Examples of topics covered are Kinematics, stress, constitutive models, symmetries, incompressible materials, linearised elasticity, brittle fracture. I am not making my lecture notes available online as they are are heavily derived from John Ball's, but I will be happy to provide them upon request.

Practical Numerical Analysis

A 16 hour introduction to numerical computations with Matlab for MSc students in Oxford. [ handouts | Matlab codes ]

Summer Schools

Atomistic-to-continuum coupling methods for crystalline solids - Minnesota 2012

A 5 hour summer school course on the numerical analysis of a/c coupling taught at the NSF PIRE Summer School for Graduate Students New frontiers in multiscale analysis and computing for materials, June 21-29, 2012. The website contains the course material and recordings of the lectures.

Atomistic/Continuum Multiscale Methods - Berlin 2014

A 3 hour summer school course on far-field modelling and computing crystalline defects in an infinite lattice at the Berlin Mathematical School Summer School on Applied Analysis for Materials, 25 Aug - 5 Sept 2015. The course covers

Material: Slides, Printout 1 slide pp, Printout 4 slides pp

Disclaimer: these are slides and as such contain some errors and several deliberate inaccuracies. They should not be used as a reference, but only as a study guide for the literature on a/c multiscale methods. The three main references from which the material for this shortcourse is drawn are [45], [48], and [53].