Yucheng Liu
I am a 4th year PhD student in the Mathematics department at the University of British Columbia.
I am in the Probability Group and my supervisor is Gordon Slade.
Email: yliu135@math.ubc.ca
Address: #121-1984 Mathematics Rd, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z2, Canada.
ORCID: 0000-0002-1917-8330
Research Interests
- Probability and statistical mechanics, with special interest in models including
spin systems, percolation, self-avoiding walk, branched polymers,
and their (near-)critical phenomena.
- I work with the lace expansion, which is a method to analyse high-dimensional models.
Preprints and Publications
- Y. Liu.
High-dimensional long-range statistical mechanical models have random walk correlation functions.
Feb 17, 2025.
Preprint at arXiv.
- Y. Liu, J. Park and G. Slade.
Universal finite-size scaling in high-dimensional critical phenomena.
Dec 11, 2024.
Preprint at arXiv.
- Y. Liu and G. Slade.
Critical scaling profile for trees and connected subgraphs on the complete graph.
Dec 7, 2024.
Preprint at arXiv.
- Y. Liu.
Gaussian deconvolution on ℝd with application to self-repellent Brownian motion.
Nov 25, 2024.
Preprint at arXiv.
- Y. Liu, R. Panis and G. Slade.
The torus plateau for the high-dimensional Ising model.
May 27, 2024.
Preprint at arXiv.
- Y. Liu.
A general approach to massive upper bound for two-point function with application to self-avoiding walk torus plateau.
Oct 26, 2023.
Preprint at arXiv.
- Y. Liu and G. Slade.
Near-critical and finite-size scaling for high-dimensional lattice trees and animals.
J. Stat. Phys., 192:32, (2025).
- Y. Liu and G. Slade.
Gaussian deconvolution and the lace expansion for spread-out models.
To appear in Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Probab. Statist.
- Y. Liu and G. Slade.
Gaussian deconvolution and the lace expansion.
Probab. Theory Relat. Fields, (2024).
- Y. Liu.
Continuous-time weakly self-avoiding walk on ℤ has strictly monotone escape speed.
Ann. Appl. Probab., 34(6): 5522--5555, (2024).
Invited Talks
- The torus plateau for the high-dimensional Ising model.
Feb 5, 2025 at UBC Probability seminar.
- The torus plateau for the high-dimensional Ising model.
Dec 1, 2024 at CMS Winter Meeting, Discrete Probability session.
- Continuous-time weakly self-avoiding walk on ℤ has strictly monotone escape speed.
July 9, 2024 at Self-interacting processes at University of Cambridge.
- Gaussian deconvolution and the lace expansion.
Dec 15, 2023 at Random Interacting Systems, Scaling Limits, and Universality at National University of Singapore.
- Gaussian deconvolution and the lace expansion.
Nov 22, 2023 at UBC Probability seminar.
- Continuous-time weakly self-avoiding walk on ℤ has strictly monotone escape speed.
Oct 25, 2023 at SALSIS 2023 at Kyoto University.
- Continuous-time weakly self-avoiding walk on ℤ has strictly monotone escape speed.
Sept 21, 2022 at UBC Probability seminar.
TA for Math 419/545 (Probability II).
Previous Small Class Instructor: Math 180 (Differential Calculus with Applications).
Previous TA: Math 320 (Real Variables I), Math 300 (Complex Variables I).
Previous TA: Math 418/544 (Probability I), Math 301 (Complex Variables II).
Previous TA: Math 344 (Game Theory), Math 303 (Intro Stochastic Processes).