Malin's Magnificent Math

Colour: Physics & Light


Reflection Functions

Illumination Models

Ray Tracing


Hi, my name is Malin Olafson (SD#96653977) and this is my math website. The purpose of this website is to explain mathematical concepts as required for my Math 309 class. The focus of the course is the geometry of light. There are contradicting theorms and experimental proofs that show light behaving as waves or light behavings as rays.

My project is focussing on the relationship between light and optics and computer graphics. I hope to explain how light is simulated in computer graphics. How the different topics we learned in the class are applicable to computer grahics.

Although the topics may be physical in nature, the focus is to explain the math behind the physical concepts rather than the physical concepts themselves.


A.Colour: Physics and Light


C.Reflection Functions

D.Illumination Models

i.Local Models

ii.Global Models

E.Ray Tracing