
Run the Plom client. No arguments = run as normal.

usage: plom-client [-h] [--version] [-s SERVER[:PORT]] [--webplom] [-i | -m [MARKER]] [user] [password]

Positional Arguments


Also checks the environment variable PLOM_USER.


Also checks the environment variable PLOM_PASSWORD.



show program’s version number and exit

-s, --server

Which server to contact, port defaults to 41984. Also checks the environment variable PLOM_SERVER if omitted.


Experimental: support connecting to a Django server. You can also set the WEBPLOM environment variable.

Default: False

-i, --identifier

Run the identifier

Default: False

-m, --marker

Run the marker. Pass either -m n:k (to run on pagegroup n, version k) or -m (to run on whatever was used last time).