
Plom tools related to producing papers, and setting up servers.

usage: plom-create [-h] [--version]



show program’s version number and exit


Perform tasks related to building tests.


Possible choices: status, newspec, new, parse, validatespec, uploadspec, class, make-db, get-ver-map, make, extra-pages, user, users, predictions, rubric, tags, tag, clear



Information about the server.

plom-create status [-h] [-s SERVER[:PORT]] [-w PASSWORD]


-s, --server

Which server to contact, port defaults to 41984. Also checks the environment variable PLOM_SERVER if omitted. If the WEBPLOM environment variable is set, talk to a Django server instead (EXPERIMENTAL!)

-w, --password

for the “manager” user, also checks the environment variable PLOM_MANAGER_PASSWORD.

newspec (new)

Create new spec file.

plom-create newspec [-h] [--demo] [--demo-num-papers N] [specFile]

Positional Arguments


defaults to ‘“testSpec.toml”’.

Default: “testSpec.toml”



Use an auto-generated demo test. Obviously not for real use

Default: False


How many fake exam papers for the demo (defaults to 20 if omitted)


Parse spec file (REMOVED)

plom-create parse [-h]


Parse and verify a test-specification toml file.

plom-create validatespec [-h] [--save] [specFile]

Positional Arguments


defaults to ‘“testSpec.toml”’.

Default: “testSpec.toml”



By default the verified spec file is not saved. Pass this to write it to ‘verifiedSpec.toml’.

Default: False


Upload exam specification to server.

plom-create uploadspec [-h] [-s SERVER[:PORT]] [-w PASSWORD] [specFile]

Positional Arguments


defaults to ‘“testSpec.toml”’.

Default: “testSpec.toml”


-s, --server

Which server to contact, port defaults to 41984. Also checks the environment variable PLOM_SERVER if omitted. If the WEBPLOM environment variable is set, talk to a Django server instead (EXPERIMENTAL!)

-w, --password

for the “manager” user, also checks the environment variable PLOM_MANAGER_PASSWORD.


Get student names/numbers from csv, process, and upload to server.

plom-create class [-h] [-i] [--demo] [--force] [-s SERVER[:PORT]] [-w PASSWORD] [classlist]

Positional Arguments


filename in csv format


-i, --ignore-warnings

Ignore any classlist warnings and upload anyway.

Default: False


Use auto-generated classlist. DO NOT USE ON REAL SERVER

Default: False


By default, it is an error to upload a new classlist. This overrides that check; for which you accept responsibility. If you are using “numberToProduce = -1” then the first classlist will have chosen a value; you may want to reupload your spec before pushing a second classlist. This is a non-exaustive list of what could go wrong. If you’ve already produced and printed papers, you should be careful with this option, although we are not aware of any specific problems it would cause.

Default: False

-s, --server

Which server to contact, port defaults to 41984. Also checks the environment variable PLOM_SERVER if omitted. If the WEBPLOM environment variable is set, talk to a Django server instead (EXPERIMENTAL!)

-w, --password

for the “manager” user, also checks the environment variable PLOM_MANAGER_PASSWORD.

The classlist can be a .csv file exported from Canvas (specifically, Canvas -> Grades -> Actions -> Export). Plom will do some light sanity checking such as dropping names like “Test Student”.

Alternatively, the classlist can be a .csv file with column headers:
  • id - student ID number

  • name - student name in a single field

  • paper_number - the test-number to assign to that student for

    prenaming papers. If unsure, include the column, but leave it blank. Each paper_number must be unique and in the range [1, NumberToProduce] but they need not be contiguous nor ordered.

Plom will accept uppercase or lowercase column headers.


See “make” below, but here only the database is populated and no papers will be built. You can then call “make” later.

plom-create make-db [-h] [--from-file FILE] [-s SERVER[:PORT]] [-w PASSWORD]



Read the version map from FILE. WORK-IN-PROGRESS!

-s, --server

Which server to contact, port defaults to 41984. Also checks the environment variable PLOM_SERVER if omitted. If the WEBPLOM environment variable is set, talk to a Django server instead (EXPERIMENTAL!)

-w, --password

for the “manager” user, also checks the environment variable PLOM_MANAGER_PASSWORD.


The question-version map shows which questions have which version for each paper. This map is created server-side by the ‘make-db’ command. This .csv file can be used to reconstruct the database in case of catastrophe: we recommend keeping a backup copy.

plom-create get-ver-map [-h] [-s SERVER[:PORT]] [-w PASSWORD] [file]

Positional Arguments


Filename, csv or json format. Default: ‘question_version_map.csv’.


-s, --server

Which server to contact, port defaults to 41984. Also checks the environment variable PLOM_SERVER if omitted. If the WEBPLOM environment variable is set, talk to a Django server instead (EXPERIMENTAL!)

-w, --password

for the “manager” user, also checks the environment variable PLOM_MANAGER_PASSWORD.


Build papers (and if necessary the database) from the test specification. Based on the classlist “paper_num” column, some of the papers may have names printed on them from the classlist (“pre-named”) and the remainder will be blank. As they are created, the prenamed papers will be inserted into the prediction table with the predictor set to “prename”. If you want to change the prenames: (1) force upload a new classlist, and (2) see the “predictions” command to erase the “prename” predictor.

plom-create make [-h] [--no-pdf] [--without-qr] [-n NUMBER] [-x X] [-m Y] [-s SERVER[:PORT]] [-w PASSWORD]



Do not generate real PDFs - instead generate empty files.

Default: False


Produce PDFs without QR codes and staple-corner indicators.

Default: False

-n, --number

used for building a specific paper number

-x, --namebox-xpos

Specify horizontal centre of the name/ID box that will be printed on named papers, a float from 0 (left) to 100 (right) of the page. Defaults to 50.

-m, -y, --namebox-ypos

Specify vertical location of the name/ID that will be printed on named papers, a float from 0 (top) to 100 (bottom) of the page. Defaults to 42.

-s, --server

Which server to contact, port defaults to 41984. Also checks the environment variable PLOM_SERVER if omitted. If the WEBPLOM environment variable is set, talk to a Django server instead (EXPERIMENTAL!)

-w, --password

for the “manager” user, also checks the environment variable PLOM_MANAGER_PASSWORD.


Make a simple extra-paper PDF for students to use when they need more space.

plom-create extra-pages [-h]


Add a new user account. You can provide a password or one will be autogenerated and echoed to the screen. Use the –update argument to modify an existing user’s password instead. TODO: support disable/enable and maybe delete?

plom-create user [-h] [--update] [-s SERVER[:PORT]] [-w PASSWORD] [username] [userpassword]

Positional Arguments


The username


Autogenerated xkcd-style if omitted.



Update an existing user’s password.

Default: False

-s, --server

Which server to contact, port defaults to 41984. Also checks the environment variable PLOM_SERVER if omitted. If the WEBPLOM environment variable is set, talk to a Django server instead (EXPERIMENTAL!)

-w, --password

for the “manager” user, also checks the environment variable PLOM_MANAGER_PASSWORD.


Manipulate users accounts. With no arguments, list the users already on the server. Given a filename, parses a plain-text user list, and creates them on the server. Can also produce a template file for you to edit, with autogenerated passwords.

plom-create users [-h] [--list] [--demo] [--auto N] [--numbered] [--no-upload] [-s SERVER[:PORT]]
                  [-w PASSWORD]

Positional Arguments


Create/update a list of users from a csv file.



List the users on the server (default behaviour).

Default: False


Use fixed prepopulated demo userlist and passwords. DO NOT USE THIS ON REAL SERVER. Includes “scanner” and “reviewer” BUT NOT “manager” accounts (because the server must already have that).

Default: False


Auto-generate a random user list of N users with real-ish usernames. This will also create “scanner” and “reviewer” accounts BUT NOT a “manager” account (because the server must already have that).


Use numbered usernames, e.g. “user17”, for the autogeneration.

Default: False


Do not upload, just create a local template file.

Default: True

-s, --server

Which server to contact, port defaults to 41984. Also checks the environment variable PLOM_SERVER if omitted. If the WEBPLOM environment variable is set, talk to a Django server instead (EXPERIMENTAL!)

-w, --password

for the “manager” user, also checks the environment variable PLOM_MANAGER_PASSWORD.


Before papers are identified, there can exist various predictions about which paper goes with which individual. “Prenamed” is one example, where names are pre-printed on the ID sheet. Computer vision tools also make predictions based on student ID numbers.

plom-create predictions [-h] (--predictor P | --all | --erase P) [-s SERVER[:PORT]] [-w PASSWORD]



Show all predictions by the predictor P.


Show all predictions.

Default: False


Erase all predictions by the predictor P. Caution: think carefully before erasing the “prename” predictor.

-s, --server

Which server to contact, port defaults to 41984. Also checks the environment variable PLOM_SERVER if omitted. If the WEBPLOM environment variable is set, talk to a Django server instead (EXPERIMENTAL!)

-w, --password

for the “manager” user, also checks the environment variable PLOM_MANAGER_PASSWORD.


Add pre-made rubrics to the server. Your graders will be able to build their own rubrics but if you have premade rubrics you can add them here or by using the plom-manager tool. This tool can also dump the current rubrics from a running server.

plom-create rubric [-h] [--dump FILE] [--demo] [-s SERVER[:PORT]] [-w PASSWORD] [rubric_file]

Positional Arguments


Upload a pre-build list of rubrics from this file. This can be a .json, .toml or .csv file.


Dump the current rubrics from SERVER into FILE,

which can be a .toml, .json, or .csv file. Defaults to FILE.toml if no extension specified..


Upload an auto-generated rubric list for demos.

Default: False

-s, --server

Which server to contact, port defaults to 41984. Also checks the environment variable PLOM_SERVER if omitted. If the WEBPLOM environment variable is set, talk to a Django server instead (EXPERIMENTAL!)

-w, --password

for the “manager” user, also checks the environment variable PLOM_MANAGER_PASSWORD.


List all the tags defined on the server.

plom-create tags [-h] [--list] [-s SERVER[:PORT]] [-w PASSWORD]



List the tags on the server (default behaviour).

Default: False

-s, --server

Which server to contact, port defaults to 41984. Also checks the environment variable PLOM_SERVER if omitted. If the WEBPLOM environment variable is set, talk to a Django server instead (EXPERIMENTAL!)

-w, --password

for the “manager” user, also checks the environment variable PLOM_MANAGER_PASSWORD.


Add or remove tags from a paper and question.

plom-create tag [-h] [--rm] [-s SERVER[:PORT]] [-w PASSWORD] task tags [tags ...]

Positional Arguments


Which task to tag, e.g., q0123g4 for paper 123 question 4.


Tag(s) to add to task.



Remove tag(s) from paper (if omitted we add tags).

Default: False

-s, --server

Which server to contact, port defaults to 41984. Also checks the environment variable PLOM_SERVER if omitted. If the WEBPLOM environment variable is set, talk to a Django server instead (EXPERIMENTAL!)

-w, --password

for the “manager” user, also checks the environment variable PLOM_MANAGER_PASSWORD.


Clear “manager” login after a crash or other expected event.

plom-create clear [-h] [-s SERVER[:PORT]] [-w PASSWORD]


-s, --server

Which server to contact, port defaults to 41984. Also checks the environment variable PLOM_SERVER if omitted. If the WEBPLOM environment variable is set, talk to a Django server instead (EXPERIMENTAL!)

-w, --password

for the “manager” user, also checks the environment variable PLOM_MANAGER_PASSWORD.

See help for each subcommand or consult online documentation for an overview of the steps in setting up a server.

Most subcommands communicate with a server, which can be specified on the command line or by setting environment variables PLOM_SERVER and PLOM_MANAGER_PASSWORD.