
usage: plom-server [-h] [--version] {init,users,launch} ...



show program’s version number and exit


Perform various server-related tasks.


Possible choices: init, users, launch



Initialises a directory in preparation for starting a Plom server. Creates sub-directories, config files, and various other things.

plom-server init [-h] [--port PORT] [--server-name NAME] [--no-self-signed] [--manager-pw STR]
                 [--db-name DB_NAME]

Positional Arguments


The directory to use. If omitted, use the current directory.



Use alternative port (defaults to 41984 if omitted)


The server name such as “” or an IP address. Defaults to something like “localhost” if omitted, but you may, e.g., want to match your SSL certificate.


Do not build self-signed SSL cert and key. You will need to provide plom-custom.key and plom-custom.cert in this case.

Default: True


An initial password for the manager account. You can also use the “users” command or even omit altogether and the server will autogenerate a password.


The name for the database, omit for a default autogen choice.


Manipulate users accounts, but you may want “plom-create users” instead. With no arguments, produce a template file for you to edit, with passwords displayed in plain text. Given a filename, parses a plain-text user list, performs some simple sanity checks and then hashes the passwords to a file for the server. If you prefer, you can ignore user accounts for now and create them after the server is running.

plom-server users [-h] [--demo | --auto N] [--numbered] [--server-dir DIR] [userlist]

Positional Arguments


Process the given userlist file OR if none given then produce a template.



Use fixed prepopulated demo userlist and passwords. DO NOT USE THIS ON REAL SERVER

Default: False


Auto-generate a random user list of N users with real-ish usernames.


Use numbered usernames, e.g. “user17”, for the autogeneration.

Default: False


The server directory. If omitted, assume server files are in the current directory.


Start the Plom server.

plom-server launch [-h] [--mastertoken HEX] [--logfile LOGFILE] [--no-logconsole] [dir]

Positional Arguments

The directory containing the filespace to be used by this server.

If omitted the current directory will be used.


A 32 hex-digit string used to encrypt tokens in the database.

If you do not supply one then the server will create one. If you record the token somewhere you can hot-restart the server (i.e., restart the server without requiring users to log-off and log-in again).

A filename to save the logs. If its a bare filename it will

be relative to DIR above, or you can specify a path relative to the current working directory.

By default the server echos the logs to stderr. This disables

that. You can still see the logs in the logfile.

Default: True

Use ‘%(prog)s <subcommand> -h’ for detailed help.

Overview of running the Plom server:

  1. Make a new directory and change into it.

  2. Run ‘%(prog)s init’ - creates sub-directories and config files.

  3. Optionally use ‘%(prog)s users’ to create an initial set of users. (you can configure users later, after starting the server.)

  4. Launch the server with ‘%(prog)s launch’. If you did not create a “manager” user, note the autogenerated manager password.

  5. Configure your server: ‘plom-create’ can do this.