- Jeana Aojie Zheng, Miranda Holmes-Cerfon, David J. Pine, Sophie Marbach. "Hopping and crawling DNA-coated colloids."
Submitted. [arxiv] (2023)
- Kerun Xu, Miranda Holmes-Cerfon. "Monte Carlo on manifolds in high dimensions." Submitted. [arxiv] (2023)
- Miranda Holmes-Cerfon. Applied Stochastic Analysis. Submitted.
- 2018-present
- Steven J. Gortler, Miranda Holmes-Cerfon, Louis Theran. "Transverse Rigidity is Prestress Stability." Discrete Applied Mathematics, 322, 439-441 (2022).
- Fan Cui, Sophie Marbach, Jeana Aojie Zheng, Miranda Holmes-Cerfon, and David J. Pine. "Comprehensive view of microscopic binding between DNA-coated colloids". Nature Communications, 13, 2304 (2022).
- Sophie Marbach and Miranda Holmes-Cerfon. "Mass changes the diffusion coefficient of particles with ligand-receptor contacts in the overdamped limit" Physical Review Letters, 129, 048003 (2022).
- Sophie Marbach, Jeana Aojie Zheng, and Miranda Holmes-Cerfon. "The Nanocaterpillar's Random Walk: Diffusion With Ligand-Receptor Contacts". Soft Matter, 18, 3130-3146 (2022).
- A. Trubiano, M. Holmes-Cerfon. "Thermodynamic stability versus Kinetic Accessibility: Pareto Fronts for Programmable Self-Assembly." Soft Matter, 17, pp.6797-6807 (2021).
- Mahdi Sadjadi, Varda F. Hagh, Mingyu Kang, Meera Sitharam, Robert Connelly, Steven J. Gortler, Louis Theran, Miranda Holmes-Cerfon, and Michael F. Thorpe. "Realizations of Isostatic Material Frameworks." Physica Status Solidi B, 2000555 (2021).
- M. Holmes-Cerfon, L. Theran, S. Gortler. "Almost-rigidity of frameworks." Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics, 74(10), pp. 2185-2247, (2020).
[Github Code]
- M. Holmes-Cerfon. "Simulating sticky particles: a Monte Carlo method to sample a stratification." Journal of Chemical Physics, 153, 164112, (2020).
[Code] used to make figures in paper.
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- A. Trubiano, M. Holmes-Cerfon. "From canyons to valleys: Numerically continuing sticky
hard sphere clusters to the landscapes of smoother potentials." Physical Review E,
101(4), 042608, (2020).
- N. Bou-Rabee and M. Holmes-Cerfon. "Sticky Brownian Motion and Its Numerical Solution." SIAM Review, 62(1), pp. 164-195 (2020).
- L. Lee, J. P. Ryan, Y. Lahini, M. Holmes-Cerfon, and S. M. Rubinstein. "Geometric frustration induces the transition between rotation and counterrotation in swirled granular media." Physical Review E, 100(012903), (2019). doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.100.012903 .
• See the Harvard News article.
- E. Zappa, M. Holmes-Cerfon. "Calculating the symmetry number of flexible sphere clusters." Journal of Nonlinear Science, Vol 29, pp.2021, (2019). doi:10.1007/s00332-019-09537-4.
- J.P. Lee-Thorp, M. Holmes-Cerfon. "Modeling the relative dynamics of DNA-coated colloids."
Soft Matter, Vol 14, pp. 8147-8159 (2018). doi:10.1039/c8Sm01430b.
- A. McMullen, M. Holmes-Cerfon, F. Sciortino, A.Y. Grosberg, J. Brujic. "Colloidomers: freely-jointed polymers made of droplets." Physical Review Letters, 121, 138002 (2018).
• See the Editor's summary.
- E. Zappa, M. Holmes-Cerfon, J. Goodman. Monte Carlo on manifolds:
sampling densities and integrating functions.
Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol 71 (12) pp. 2609-2647 (2018). doi:10.1002/cpa.21783.
- 2012-2017
- R. Drori, M. Holmes-Cerfon, B. Kahr, B. Kohn, M. Ward. "Dynamics and unsteady morphologies at ice interfaces driven by D2O-H2O exchange." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Vol 114 (44), pp.11627-11632 (2017).
- M. Holmes-Cerfon. "Sticky-sphere clusters."
Annual Reviews of Condensed Matter Physics, Vol 8, pp. 77-98 (2017).
A complementary copy of the paper is available here: [link to article].
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- E. R. Chen and M. Holmes-Cerfon. Random sequential adsorption of discs on constant-curvature surfaces: plane, sphere, hyperboloid, and projective plane. Journal of Nonlinear Science, Vol 27 (6), pp.1743-1787 (2017), doi:10.1007/s00332-017-9385-2.
[link to article]
- Y. Kallus and M. Holmes-Cerfon. "Free energy of singular sticky-sphere clusters."
Physical Review E, 95 (022130), (2017).
- M. Holmes-Cerfon. "Stochastic discs that roll."
Physical Review E, 94 (052112), (2016).
- J.C. Perkinson, M.J. Aziz, M. P. Brenner, M. Holmes-Cerfon.
"Designing steep, sharp patterns on uniformly ion-bombarded surfaces."
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113(41) pp.11425-11430, (2016).
• See the commentary by Andrea Bertozzi.
- M. Holmes-Cerfon. Enumerating rigid sphere packings.
SIAM Review, 58(2), pp. 229-244 (2016)
- Y. Guo and M. Holmes-Cerfon.
"Internal wave attractors over random, small-amplitude topography."
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 787, pp.148-174 (2016).
- R.W. Perry, M. Holmes-Cerfon, M.P. Brenner, V. Manoharan.
"Two-dimensional clusters of colloidal spheres: ground states, excited states, and structural rearrangements."
Physical Review Letters, 114, 228301, (2015)
- N. Schade, M. Holmes-Cerfon, E. Chen, D. Aronzon, J. Collins, J. Fan, F. Capasso, V. Manoharan.
"Tetrahedral colloidal clusters from random aggregation of bidisperse spheres."
Physical Review Letters, 110, 148303, (2013)
- O. Buhler, N. Grisouard, M. Holmes-Cerfon.
"Strong particle dispersion by weakly dissipative random internal waves."
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 719 (2013) doi: 10.1017/jfm.2013.71
- M. Holmes-Cerfon, S.J. Gortler, M.P. Brenner.
"A geometrical approach to computing energy landscapes from short-ranged potentials."
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 110 (1) (2013)
- M. Holmes-Cerfon, W. Zhou, A.J. Bertozzi, M.P. Brenner, M.J. Aziz.
"Development of knife-edge ridges on ion-bombarded surfaces."
Applied Physics Letters, 101 143109 (2012)
- M. Holmes-Cerfon, M.J. Aziz, M.P. Brenner,
"Creating sharp features by colliding shocks on uniformly irradiated surfaces."
Physical Review B, 85 165441 (2012)
- 2006-2011
- O. Buhler, M. Holmes-Cerfon.
"Decay of an internal tide due to random topography in the ocean."
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 678 (2011): 271-293.
- M. Holmes-Cerfon, O. Buhler, R. Ferrari.
"Particle dispersion by random waves in the rotating Boussinesq system."
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 670 (2011): 150-175.
- M. Holmes-Cerfon, J. Whitehead.
"Instability and freezing in a solidifying melt conduit."
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 240 (2011), 131-139.
- B. Wingate, P. Embid, M. Holmes-Cerfon, M. Taylor.
"Low Rossby limiting dynamics for stably stratified flow with finite Froude number."
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 676 (2011): 546-571.
- M. Holmes-Cerfon. Stochastic models of internal waves and ocean mixing. PhD Thesis, submitted May 2010.
- O. Buhler, M. Holmes-Cerfon.
"Particle dispersion by random waves in rotating shallow water."
" Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 638 (2009): 5-26.
• See the commentary in [Focus on Fluids]
- M. Holmes. Length and shape of a lava tube. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Program Proceedings Volume 2007.
- C. Hauert, M. Holmes, M. Doebeli.
"Evolutionary games and population dynamics: maintenance of cooperation in public goods games."
Proceedings of the Royal Society B - Biological Sciences. 273 (1600): 2565-2570, Oct 7 2006.
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