PACMAN Group meeting

I co-organize the Physics And Computation, Math And Numerics (PACMAN) group meeting, a weekly meeting for graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, and faculty, interested broadly in applied mathematics. See our website for more information.

Teaching materials

Past Teaching

Teaching at NYU, Since 2014.

Applied Stochastic Analysis Lecture Notes

A big thank you to the many students (and colleagues) who have pointed out typos and mistakes in these notes. These notes are continuously evolving and I welcome other comments on them.

These notes are currently being turned into a book in the Courant Lecture Notes series. Please check back later for the book as it will have fewer mistakes!


In 2006 I co-founded cSPLASH , a one-day festival of mathematical sciences for high school students, taught by undergraduates, graduate students, and professors from New York University and nearby. It is now held once a year in the spring. You can get involved by participating as a high-school student, teaching a class on math, science, or computer science, organizing it in advance or volunteering on the day of the event. To find out more, visit the website below.