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Announcements, lecture notes, assignments, practice exams and their
solutions will be all
posted in Canvas.
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Course Description
- Instructor: Dr. Tai-Peng Tsai, Math building room 109, phone 604-822-2591, ttsai at
- Lectures: Tu Th 11am-12:15pm
- Office hours:
TBA, and by appointment
- Course outline: pdf
- UBC Calendar description:
MATH_V 401 (3) Green's Functions and Variational Methods:
Green's functions for partial differential equations. Calculus of variations. Eigenfunction expansions.
Rayleigh-Ritz and finite element methods.
Prerequisite: Either (a) a
score of 80% or higher in one of MATH 256, MATH 257, MATH 316, MATH 358, MECH 358, PHYS 312 or (b) MATH 400.