This collection of webpages was completed
as part of a project for Math
309: Topics in Geometry at the University
of British Columbia. The class was taught by Bill
Casselman. The main goal of the project was to explain some aspect
of light and its phenomena. The class itself dealt mainly with the
geometry of light, lenses, and rainbows.
These particular webpages will attempt to
give a brief introduction into how human sight works. It will briefly
discuss how people see colour, and how glasses are used to correct
vision. The material is presented provides a broad overview of the
subject, and is generally non-technical. There are some generalizations
made in the treatment of the material. However, the reduction in
technical accuracy wll be easily outweighed by the benefits in general
comprehension for most people.
In any of webpages, you may click on an
image to view the original PostScript file that was used to produce all
the pictures in the assignment. You may download GSview (a viewer for
.ps files) at this site
from the Faculty of Computer Science at the Univeristy of Wisconsin.
Colour Vision
Colour Math
Focal Lengths and Distances
GRIN Systems
Human Vision
Vision Problems
References Used:
Giancoli, Douglas C., Physics,
Fourth Edition, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 1995.
Hecht, Eugene, Optics, Fourth Edition, Addison Wesley, New
York, 2002.
These webpages have been checked using the W3C HTML Validator, and are
all HTML 4.01 Transitional.