Here are the PDF versions of the slides I used when giving the indicated talks.
Prime number races, Sydney–UNSW Joint Colloquium, University of Melbourne Pure Mathematics Seminar, and UNSW–Canberra Pure Math Seminar, November 2018
Statistics of the multiplicative group, UNSW–Sydney Number Theory Seminar, November 2018
The least invariant factor of the multiplicative group, Canadian Number Theory Association XV Meeting, Université Laval (Québec), July 2018
Factorization tests arising from counting modular forms and automorphic representations, Canadian Mathematics Society 2018 Summer Meeting, University of New Brunswick (Fredericton), June 2018
Primitive sets, Illinois Number Theory Conference, August 2015
Primitive sets, Elementary, analytic, and algorithmic number theory: Research inspired by the mathematics of Carl Pomerance, June 2015
Average values of some non-multiplicative functions, Pacific Northwest Number Theory Conference, May 2015
Diophantine quadruples, UBC Number Theory Seminar, March 2015
Inclusive prime number races, Analytic Number Theory Seminar, CMS Winter Meeting, December 2012
Dimensions of spaces of newforms, UBC Number Theory Seminar, September 2012
Average values of some non-multiplicative functions, Canadian Number Theory Association XII Meeting, University of Lethbridge, June 2012
Anatomy of the multiplicative group, Pacific Northwest Number Theory Conference, University of Idaho, May 2012
Prime number races: an asymptotic formula for the densities, Analytic and Combinatorial Number Theory, Institute of Mathematical Sciences, August 2010
Iterates of the Carmichael λ-function, Number Theory Week, Harish–Chandra Research Institute, August 2010
Diophantine quadruples, Number Theory Week, Harish–Chandra Research Institute, August 2010
How often is π(x;q,a) larger than π(x;q,b)?, Canadian Number Theory Association XI Meeting, July 2010
Prime number races, Dartmouth Mathematics Colloquium, May 2010
Diophantine quadruples, New York Number Theory Seminar, April 2010, and Dartmouth Number Theory Seminar, May 2010
Prime numbers: what we know, and what we know we think, College of Staten Island Mathematics Colloquium, April 2010