MATH 534 Lie Theory I (Lie Algebras and their representations)

MATH 534 Lie Theory I (Lie Algebras and their representations)


The course will be mostly based on J. Humphreys "Lie algebras and representation theory". However, we will occasionally refer to several other sources, including: Classes: Tue, Th 11am-12:30pm in MATH 126.
My office: Math 217.
e-mail: gor at math dot ubc dot ca
Office Hours: By appointment.



There will be approximately bi-weekly written homework assignments in addition to
  • the list of problems for in-class discussion. Next discussion: December 9.

  • Final presentations schedule:

    Detailed Course outline

    Short descriptions of each lecture and relevant additional references will be posted here as we progress. For the dates in the future, this is an approximate plan.