Real Variables I
UBC Math 320, Autumn 2023 — Philip D. Loewen
MWF 09:00–09:50, room MATH 102

The official course site is served to registered students only, through UBC's Canvas Learning Management System. Please use the MATH 320 Canvas Page if you can.

The table below provides an informal mirror of some of the resources served through Canvas. The newest additions are at the top.

Code Due Details Updated on ...
RR   Notes for Week 3
These come in two packages. First, a few quick reminders on numbers and vectors (PDF). Second (still to come), an introduction to limits (PDF).
19 Sep 2023
HW   Questions for Assignment 2
Assignment 2 has eight questions, mostly about cardinality. The official question sheet is the one on Canvas ... although this one should be essentially identical.
Answers are only accepted from registered students, through the Canvas upload system. The file type must be PDF, and the format specifications are very strict: each question must be solved on a different single page, and the page in position N must contain the solution to Question N, for each N=1,2,...,8.
16 Sep 2023
RR   Questions for Assignment 1
Assignment 1 has eight questions on sets and logic (PDF). The official question sheet is the one on Canvas ... although this one should be essentially identical.
Answers are only accepted from registered students, through the Canvas upload system. The file type must be PDF, and the format specifications are very strict: each question must be solved on a different single page, and the page in position N must contain the solution to Question N, for each N=1,2,...,8.
14 Sep 2023
RR   Notes for Week 2
The second slice of the Professor's notes on Cardinality (PDF) is ready now. It supercedes the previous version, so this update reaches back into Week 1 also.
13 Sep 2023
RR   Notes for Week 1
Here's the first slice of the Professor's notes on Cardinality (PDF). The highlights were shown in class, but there are some further details in here. A preview of next Monday's session is included.
13 Sep 2023
LINK   Registration Problems
MATH 320 is popular, and full. The instructor is forbidden by Math Department Policy from intervening in any student's registration. On the other hand, the Department has a page called Registration Issues describing what you can do to optimize your chances to secure a place before registration is locked down later this month. Please look there. Make your best case on the Advising Contact Form linked from that page, and submit it.
06 Sep 2023
RR   Background in Logic
Here's a 4-page summary of the standard terminology and notation that we'll use throughout Math 320. It's all about definitions; there are no theorems or facts to know. I hope that most of this stuff is familiar, and that whatever you haven't seen before is clear enough for you to assimilate easily.
06 Sep 2023
RR   Past Final Exams
The Math Department's collection of past final exams includes a few classics from MATH 320.
18 Aug 2023

Codes: RR = reading/reference; PP = practice problems (not to hand in); HW = homework problems (to be submitted); EXAM = midterm or final exam materials.

Details--Autumn 2023

Required Text:

Other Books:

Online Resources:

Calendar (Autumn 2023):

Grading Formula:

Term scores will count for 50% of the final grade; the final exam will count for the other 50%. The final exam will last 2.5 hours, and be held at some time during UBC's formal examination period. The homework will be challenging and essential. Grades may be scaled due to the challenging nature of the course material.


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