Math 321 - Real Variables II - Spring 2015

Instructor: Malabika Pramanik
Office: 214 Mathematics Building
E-mail: malabika at math dot ubc dot ca
Lectures: Mon,Wed,Fri 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM in Room 104 Mathematics Building.
Office hours: Mon 10-11, Wed 11-12 or by appointment.

Course information

Piazza links


Practice problems

Here is a list of exercises from the textbook based on the weekly lecture material. They are not meant to be turned in for grading, but it is recommended that you work through them to get a better understanding of the topics covered. Some midterm and final exam problems may be modelled on these exercises. Unlike homework problems, detailed solutions of these problems will not be posted, but I am happy to include hints upon request.

Real analysis lecture notes on the web

Here is a list of online lecture notes of similar courses offered at various institutions.

  • MIT open courseware .
  • John Lindsay Orr's Analysis Webnotes, University of Nebraska, Lincoln.
  • Eric Sawyer's lecture notes ,McMaster University.
  • Vern Paulsen's lecture notes, University of Houston.
  • Lee Larson's lecture notes, University of Louiville.
  • An introduction to real analysis by William Trench.

  • Week-by-week course outline

    Here is a rough guideline of the course structure, arranged by week. The textbook pages are mentioned as a reference and as a reading guide. The treatment of these topics in lecture may vary somewhat from that of the text.



    Final exam