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International Conference on Mathematical Biology and

Annual Meeting of The Society for Mathematical Biology,

July 27-30, 2009

University of British Columbia, Vancouver



CTH4Woodward 4;   10:15 am - 12:15 pm, July 30
TitleEpidemiology and ecology
Session chairRebecca Tyson
Speaker 1Dobromir Dimitrov
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
Modeling the Gender-Specific Benefits of Wide-Scale Microbicide Interventions
Speaker 2Bahman Davoudi-Dehaghi
Early Real-time Estimation of Infectious Disease Reproduction Number
Speaker 3Suzanne Marie O'Regan
University College Cork, Ireland
Chaos in a seasonally perturbed SIR model: numerical evidence and rigorous proof
Speaker 4Richard Rebarber
University of Nebraska - Lincoln
Integral projection model analysis of an endangered plant species
Speaker 5Jenny Burrow
University of York
Linking plankton dynamics and stochastic fish recruitment models

-- Contributed talks are scheduled for 20 min each, including time for questions.