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International Conference on Mathematical Biology and

Annual Meeting of The Society for Mathematical Biology,

July 27-30, 2009

University of British Columbia, Vancouver



MSG6Woodward 6;   3:30 pm - 5:30 pm, July 29
TitleMini-symposium and Panel: On the Care and Feeding of Undergraduates in Mathematical Biology
OrganizersJason Miller
Truman State University
K. Renee Fister
Murray State University
AbstractThis mini-symposium brings educators, mentors, supervisors, and employers of mathematical biologists together to discuss different views on the preparation of undergraduates in the area of mathematical biology. Are there core skills or concepts that all undergraduates should master? What are the most effective methods for training undergraduates to do the required interdisciplinary work? Can a person become a mathematical biologist at the undergraduate level or does the title require graduate training? The mini-symposium will begin with remarks from a panel of people who will convey perspectives from undergraduate trainers, graduate trainers, and industry. It will then devolve into a lively panel discussion that will get more voices into the mix.

Panelists will include:
Laura K. Potter, Syngenta
Jason E. Miller, Truman State University
Holly Gaff, Old Dominion University
Speaker 1
Speaker 2
Speaker 3
Speaker 4

-- Minisymposium talks are scheduled for 30 min each, including time for questions.