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International Conference on Mathematical Biology and

Annual Meeting of The Society for Mathematical Biology,

July 27-30, 2009

University of British Columbia, Vancouver



Todd Parsons
University of Pennsylvania
Title Stochastic Competition in Ecology, Epidemiology and Population Genetics
Abstract In this talk, I will present analytical results for a model of stochastic competition in multi-species population dynamics that incorporates density-dependent population regulation, and allows for mutation and migration. I will demonstrate how this framework allows us to obtain analogues to classical results in population genetics (fixation probabilities, fixation times and polymorphism spectra) without assuming fixed population sizes, study the evolution of virulence in multi-strain SIS epidemics, and may be used to determine species abundance distributions for neutral and near-neutral models with trade-offs in community ecology.
CoauthorsChristopher Quince, Joshua B. Plotkin
LocationWoodward G57/59