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International Conference on Mathematical Biology and

Annual Meeting of The Society for Mathematical Biology,

July 27-30, 2009

University of British Columbia, Vancouver



Yves Dumont
Title Some results about vector control for the Chikungunya disease
Abstract The aim of this talk is to present recent investigations on the Chikungunya Disease that hitted Reunion Island and other countries in 2005-2006. In a previous work, we proposed and studied a deterministic model developed to explain the outbreak of 2005 and possible links with the explosive epidemic of 2006. Here, we study various possibilities to contain or to stop the epidemic of 2006 through appropriate mosquito control tools. Based on new results on the Chikungunya virus and several experiments done by health authorities, we study several types of control tools used in 2006 to contain the Chikungunya epidemic. After a short analysis of the model, we present several simulations with and without mosquito control. In particular, we show that an early use of a combination of massive spraying and mechanical control (like the destruction of breeding sites) can be efficient to stop or to contain the propagation of Chikungunya infection.
CoauthorsFrédéric Chiroleu
LocationWoodward 6