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International Conference on Mathematical Biology and

Annual Meeting of The Society for Mathematical Biology,

July 27-30, 2009

University of British Columbia, Vancouver



Arnaud Chauviere
Technische Universität Dresden
Title Cell migration features in glioma tumor invasion
Abstract Gliomas are very aggressive brain tumors, in which tumor cells gain the ability to invade the surrounding normal tissue. This type of brain tumor comprises an extremely interesting paradigm of invasive tumor, where its dynamics and mechanisms are not yet fully understood. Our work is motivated by the migration/proliferation dichotomy (so-called “Go-or-Grow”) hypothesis, which might play a central role in the biology of these tumors.

We propose first a “Go-or-Rest” model and describe cell migration as a velocity-jump process including resting phases. By using scaling arguments we derive a continuum (macroscopic) model that provides anomalous diffusion, which is further analyzed. In particular, we show that sub- and super-diffusion regimes can be obtained, and are governed by a parameter describing intrinsic migratory properties of cells. We demonstrate the potential of the model to explain some in vitro data of glioma tumor expansion.

When proliferation is included, the framework previously used is again the base of our extended model. In particular, we developed a lattice-gas cellular automaton, which provides a discrete, stochastic description of the afore-mentioned mesoscopic framework. Our goal is to test hypotheses of cellular mechanisms involved in glioma tumor invasion. To this end, we use again data of in vitro glioma cell cultures that allow for the analysis of the invasive behavior of gliomas. The main observations of these experiments are: (i) different core and invasive radii speeds and (ii) a high radial persistency of cell motion nearby to the core. Our analysis shows that the migration/proliferation dichotomy assumption plays a central role in the expansion of glioma tumor. Morever, we find that a cell-cell repulsion is required to explain the observed radial persistency of glioma cells near to dense areas. The combination of these two mechanisms is a sufficient and necessary condition for the faithful reproduction of the experimentally observed behavior.
LocationFriedman 153