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International Conference on Mathematical Biology and

Annual Meeting of The Society for Mathematical Biology,

July 27-30, 2009

University of British Columbia, Vancouver



Julien Arino
University of Manitoba
Title A metapopulation model for malaria - Efficacy of control strategies
Abstract I will present a metapopulation model for malaria dynamics. In each patch, mosquito and human populations are put in contact. The humans are described by an SIR model with the property that recovered individuals are only partially immune to the disease. Humans move from patch to patch, while mosquitoes remain in the same patch their entire life. The classical methods of analysis of such systems can be applied, and a basic reproduction number is obtained that governs the local stability of the system. In the case where control is applied, we use type reproduction numbers, in order to evaluate the effect of control policies on the various patches. Finally, the existence of a backward bifurcation, with subthreshold endemic equilibria, is investigated.
LocationWoodward 1