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International Conference on Mathematical Biology and

Annual Meeting of The Society for Mathematical Biology,

July 27-30, 2009

University of British Columbia, Vancouver



Poster PS09B
Irakli Loladze
University of Nebraska - Lincoln
Title Molecular, Evolutionary, and Geophysical origins of Redfield Ratio N:P~16 in Oceans
Abstract Among the biosphere’s largest patterns is atomic nitrogen:phosphorus ratio (N:P) ~ 16 found throughout deep ocean; though N:P of individual phytoplankton species ranges from 6 to 60, the average N:P of plankton is also ~16. Discovered empirically by Redfield 75 years ago, this pattern is central to carbon sequestration models and marine biogeochemical cycling. However, the rationale behind N:P~16 is not known. Here, we show that Redfield stoichiometry follows from fundamental molecular values such as N in amino acids, N and P in nucleotides; in nutrient replete conditions N:P~16 reflects biochemically optimal RNA:protein. If nutrients are limiting, our nonlinear dynamic model shows how environment and evolution affect Redfield ratio. Finally, we show the role of Coriolis effect on the maintenance Redfield ratio over geological times around 16. Our work shows that Redfield N:P originates on a molecular scale while evolutionary forces coupled with Earth’s rotation amplify the pattern to the global scale.
CoauthorsSimon Levin
LocationWoodward Lobby (Wednesday-Thursday)