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International Conference on Mathematical Biology and

Annual Meeting of The Society for Mathematical Biology,

July 27-30, 2009

University of British Columbia, Vancouver



Poster PS14B
Rubem Mondaini
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
Title A global optimization analysis of protein structure
Abstract In order to provide a biosystems approach to protein structure, we analyse the relation between the set of bond angles (amide in-plane bond angles and those from alpha-carbon geometry) and the set of dihedral angles. The present study is part of a research program aiming at the formulation of a general optimization problem and it is based on the small perturbations of these angles as the fundamental variables. The possible protein architectures are considered as deformations of a network where the regularity of structure formation and the reduction in the number of necessary variables are due to the identification of regular space curves through specified atom sites. An useful information coming from the analysis of atom sites as Steiner point positions and its relation to the problem of energy minimization is also introduced here and the assumption of evenly spaced points in 3D Euclidean Space is also seen to be enough to understand the present observed structures of the literature.
LocationWoodward Lobby (Wednesday-Thursday)