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International Conference on Mathematical Biology and

Annual Meeting of The Society for Mathematical Biology,

July 27-30, 2009

University of British Columbia, Vancouver



Poster PS43B
Mitsuo Takase
Title Neural network and diffusion immune model with a delay for cytotoxic action and local ignition mechanism for cancer and immune system interaction
Abstract There is a large similarity between the immune system and neural networks. A numerical interaction total model between a cancer mass and the immune system with neural network part and diffusive recurrent parts is shown. The model can be thought as a total model for the simulation of situations and the analysis of the behaviors of cases in interaction not only between a cancer mass and the immune system, but also between an infectious pathogen and the immune system.
Elements considered of the immune system in this model are Th cell (helper T cell), Tc cell (cytotoxic T cell) and IL2. It is assumed that there is only one cancer mass in a body.
As a vector is input to the synapses of a neuron in a neural network, in this interaction model between a cancer mass and the immune system, the contact process of a cancer cell and a T cell is necessary, so the calculation of the cancer cell density distribution and the distributions of Th cell density and Tc cell density including those of activated Tc and Th cells is necessary.
From these conditions, this model consists of the following three parts which affect each other simultaneously in the process of the stimulation.
(A) Neural network model part where pattern matching and memorization are performed.
(B)Sink-source model part to calculate Tc cell and Th cell density distributions
(C)Sink-source model part to calculate cancer cell density distribution
λTc >1  where λTc is the proliferation rate of Tc cells and an eigen value of feedback loop in the part (B) of this simulation model is necessary to be kept for a while to control Th cell and Tc cell density levels as a function of the model for complete recovery from cancer diseases and the states to ignite the immune system locally.
Activated T cells produce IL2, and IL2 makes activated T cells proliferate and produce T cells with the same high affinity receptors. So IL2 forms mutually excitatory network like neural networks with mutual connections. This can cause a local ignition of the immune system.
LocationWoodward Lobby (Wednesday-Thursday)