CTC1 | Woodward 1; 8:00 am - 10:00 am, July 28 |
Title | Motility and migration |
Session chair | Rachel Bearon |
Speaker 1 | Fazal Abbas |
University of Guelph | |
Biofilm Model in Soil Fractured Media | |
Speaker 2 | Rachel Bearon |
University of Liverpool | |
Individual to population models of swimming micro-organisms in fluid flow | |
Speaker 3 | Christophe Deroulers |
University Paris Diderot-Paris 7 | |
The phase diagram of elongated migrating cells: aggregation without attraction | |
Speaker 4 | Edward Flach |
Technical University Dresden | |
Motility and the CPM | |
Speaker 5 | Eliezer Gurarie |
University of Helsinki | |
Characterizing three-dimensional helical movements of microorganisms from two-dimensional microvideographic tracking data | |
Speaker 6 | Alexander Lorz |
University of Cambridge | |
Collective Motion of Swimming Microorganisms and Chemotaxis |
-- Contributed talks are scheduled for 20 min each, including time for questions.