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International Conference on Mathematical Biology and

Annual Meeting of The Society for Mathematical Biology,

July 27-30, 2009

University of British Columbia, Vancouver



MSB3Woodward 3;   3:30 pm - 5:30 pm, July 27
TitleIntermediate filaments - Part II
OrganizerStephanie Portet
University of Manitoba
Speaker 1Markus Meier
Department of Chemistry, University of Manitoba
Biophysical characterization of vimentin coil 1A, a molecular switch
Speaker 2Laurent Kreplak
Structural nanomechanics lab, Department of Physics and Atmospheric Science, Dalhousie University
Nanomechanics of self-assembled protein filaments
Speaker 3Paul Janmey
Departments of Physiology, Physics, Bioengineering, University of Pennsylviana
Assembly and mechanics of intermediate filaments
Speaker 4Gheorghe Craciun
Department of Mathematics and Department of Biomolecular Chemistry University of Wisconsin-Madison
Dynamical system models of neurofilament transport in axons

-- Minisymposium talks are scheduled for 30 min each, including time for questions.