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International Conference on Mathematical Biology and

Annual Meeting of The Society for Mathematical Biology,

July 27-30, 2009

University of British Columbia, Vancouver



MSE5Woodward 5;   10:15 am - 12:15 pm, July 29
TitleInterdisciplinary Training of Undergraduates through Research Experiences
OrganizersJason Miller
Truman State University
K. Renee Fister
Murray State University
Speaker 1Ali Abedi
University of Houston, Downtown
Multivariate Data Analysis: Relationship between Environmental Factors and Vector Frequencies Affecting the Spread of Pierce’s Disease across Texas
Speaker 2Tania Gonzalez
University of California, Davis
The Spread of Avian Influenza Across Heterogeneous Farmscapes:
Speaker 3Sarah Thomason
Murray State University
Undergraduate Biomathematics Research at Murray State University
Speaker 4Ethan Jensen
University of Nebraska, Lincoln
Using coupled systems of differential equations to model competition for light within a New Zealand forest stand
Speaker 5David Hayes
Truman State University
Measuring the Structure of Vascular Networks
Speaker 6Catherine Bradshaw
REBMI Claremont Colleges: Student's perspective

-- Minisymposium talks are scheduled for 30 min each, including time for questions.