Math 121, Section 201 - Honours Integral Calculus - Spring 2016
Instructor: Malabika Pramanik
Office: 214 Mathematics Building
E-mail: malabika AT math DOT ubc DOT ca
Lectures: Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri 2:00 to 3:00 PM in Room 104 Mathematics.
Instructor office hours: Wed, Fri 12:15-1:15 or by appointment.
TA : Fan Bai
TA email : baifan AT math DOT ubc DOT ca
TA office hours : Thurs 12-1pm in Auditorium Annex 121.
Course information and class handouts
The first day handout .
Piazza links
Piazza is a free, online question-and-answer platform for classes where you can ask questions to and receive answers from your classmates, anonymously if you wish, with some guidance from intructors. Use the signup link below to access Piazza. You will need a UBC email address for this.
Week-by-week course outline
Here is a rough guideline of the course structure, arranged by week. The textbook sections are mentioned as a reference and as a reading guide. The treatment of these topics in lecture may vary somewhat from that of the text.
Depending on our actual progress in class, the weekly schedule may undergo minor adjustments. Stay tuned.
Weekly practice problems will be posted here.
- Week 1:
- Section 5.1 : Sums and sigma notation. Practice problems : 15-25, 26, 33, 35-41.
- Section 5.2 : Areas as limits of sums. Practice problems : 1-11, 16-19.
- Section 5.3 : The definite integral. Practice problems : 1-6, 11- 16.
- Section 5.4 : Properties of the definite integral. Practice problems : 1-22, 33-43.
- Week 2:
- Section 5.5 : The fundamental theorem of calculus. Practice problems : 1-32, 39-54.
- Section 5.6 : The method of substitution. Practice problems : 1-44, 46-48.
- Section 5.7 : Areas between plane regions. Practice problems : 1-30.
- Chapter Review practice problems : 13-35.
- Challenging chapter review problems: 1 - 8.
- Week 3:
- Section 6.1 : Integration by parts. Practice problems : 3-28, 31-34.
- Section 6.2 : Integrals of rational functions. Practice problems : 5-33.
- Section 6.3 : Inverse substitutions. Practice problems : 11-54.
- Week 4:
- Section 6.5 : Improper integrals. Practice problems: 7-42.
- Section 6.6 : The trapezoid and midpoint rules. Practice problems: 5, 7, 8, 12, 14.
- Section 6.7 : Simpson's rule. Practice problems: 5, 12.
- Week 5:
- Section 7.1 : Volumes by slicing. Practice problems: 1-25.
- Section 7.2 : More volumes by slicing. Practice problems: 1-15.
- Section 7.3 : Arc length and surface area. Practice problems: 1-15, 20-31.
- Section 7.4 : Mass, moments and centre of mass. Practice problems: 1-16.
- Week 6:
- Section 7.5 : Centroids. Practice problems: 1-24.
- Section 7.6 : Other physical applications. Practice problems: 1-12.
- Midterm 1 Review
- Week 7:
- Week 8:
- Section 7.9 : First-order differential equations. Practice problems: 1-32.
- Section 8.1 : Conics. Practice problems: 7-16, 19-22.
- Section 8.2 : Parametric curves. Practice problems:1-22.
- Section 8.3 : Smooth parametric curves and their slopes. Practice problems: 1-25.
- Week 9:
- Section 8.4 : Arc lengths and areas for parametric curves. Practice problems: 1-23.
- Section 8.5 : Polar coordinates and polar curves. Practice problems: 1-31.
- Section 8.6: Slopes, areas and arclenghts for polar curves. Practice problems: 1-26.
- Section 9.1 : Sequences and convergence. Practice problems: 1-36.
- Week 10:
- Section 9.2 : Infinite series. Practice problems: 1-31.
- Section 9.3 : Convergence tests for positive series. Practice problems: 1-44.
- Section 9.4 : Absolute and conditional convergence. Practice problems: 1-30.
- Week 11:
- Week 12:
- Section 9.5 : Power series. Practice problems: 1-32.
- Section 9.6 : Taylor and Maclaurin series. Practice problems: 1-43.
- Section 9.7 : Applications of Taylor and Maclaurin series. Practice problems: 1-27.
- Week 13:
- Section 9.8 : The binomial theorem and binomial series. Practice problems: 1-9.
- Section 9.9 : Fourier series. Practice problems: 1-14.
- Week 14:
Webwork practice problems
The link below contains online practice problem sets from a previous offering of the course. These are intended to supplement the practice problems from the textbook that are posted on this site. The problems, which allow unlimited attempts and have correct answers available, are not part of your weekly homework assignment and will not be graded. You can use these to test your understanding of certain concepts and also for exam preparation.
Midterms and exams
- The first midterm will be held in class on Friday February 12 and will cover sections 5.1--7.6, including endpoints. Calculators and formula sheets are not allowed in the exam.
- The second midterm will be held in class on Friday March 18 and will cover sections 7.9--9.4, including endpoints. Calculators and formula sheets are not allowed in the exam.
The final exam will be held on Monday April 18 in BUCH B215, 3:30-6pm.
- The final exam is cumulative. Equal emphasis will be given to all core topics of the course.
- Here are some past final exams from previous offerings of the course. You can use these as a study guide for the final exam.
- Here are some more review sheets and sample final exams for you to work on.
Please bring your UBC ID to all exams.