
Mathematics 220 (Mathematical Proof), Winter/Spring 2015

Lecture times and locations: Lecturer: Prof. M. Khosravi (Section 201) Lecturer: Prof. I. Laba (Section 202) Lecturer: Prof. A. Rechnitzer (Section 203) The best way to contact instructors is by email. Please note that email received on evenings and weekends will be answered on the next business day. If you cannot attend regular office hours due to schedule conflict, please make an appointment in advance. Drop-ins and same-day requests for appointments cannot always be accommodated.

Prerequisites: Either (a) a score of 64% or higher in one of MATH 101, MATH 103, MATH 105, SCIE 001 or (b) one of MATH 121, MATH 200, MATH 217, MATH 226, MATH 253, MATH 263.

Course web pages:

Information for Sections 201 and 202:

Textbook: Gary Chartrand, Albert D. Polimeni and Ping Zhang: "Mathematical Proofs - A Transition to Advanced Mathematics", 3rd ed., Pearson / Addison Wesley, 2013. ISBN 978-0-321-79709-4. Please that homework problems will be assigned from the 3rd edition of the book.

Course goals: To learn how to construct and write mathematical proofs, with strong emphasis on clarity and mathematical rigour. Specific topics will include: This list is somewhat provisional and may be adjusted as needed.

Your course mark will be based on homework (15%), the midterm exam (35%), and the final exam (50%). The grades may be slightly scaled at the end of the course.

Examinations: There will be one in-class 80-minute midterm scheduled in class on February 24, and a 2.5 hour final exam in April. The date of the final examination will be announced by the Registar later in the term. Attendance at the final examination is required, so be careful about making other committments (such as travel) before this date is confirmed. All examinations will be strictly closed-book: no formula sheets, calculators, or other aids will be allowed.

Homework: There will be 7 homework assigmnents, due tentatively on January 13, January 22, February 3, Februaty 12, March 5, March 17, and March 27. Each homework will be announced and posted here at least a week in advance. The homeworks are to be handed in at the beginning of class. If you cannot come to class, you may drop off your homework at your instructor's office prior to the start of class. Late assignments will not be accepted. Solutions will be posted on the course webpage immediately after the lectures. To allow for minor illnesses and other emergencies, the lowest homework score will be dropped.

Homework assignments will be posted here.

Academic concession: Missing the midterm, or handing in a homework after the deadline, will result in a mark of 0. Exceptions may be granted in two cases: prior consent of the instructor, or a documented medical reason. Your course mark will then be based on your remaining coursework.

Additional course related resources:

General links:
[Mathematics Department] [University of British Columbia]