Here are my lecture notes from last year. For the most part I will follow these notes. If they change, I will try to post updates here.
The classic reference for the topics of this course Topology, 2nd Edition by Munkres. It covers almost all of what this course will cover and does it rather exhaustively. We are not officially using this book because it is too slow and we will want to streamline the topics quite a bit, but it is a good source to fall back on.
The book Topology and Geometry by Glen Bredon has a more streamlined approach to the same material as Munkres given in chapters 1 and 3. This book in general has a very good choice of topics and is a nice reference to have. It is one of our "recommended texts"
The book Algebraic Topology: An Introduction by W.S. Massey is very good and covers a lot of what we cover.
Another "recommended text" is Algebraic Topology by Alan Hatcher. This book is freely available online. Chapter 1 covers the material on the fundamental group and covering spaces. It is also a classic text on homology and cohomology which will be primary topics if you go on to Math 427/527. There is a good chance it will be the primary book for that course. This is more advanced that Munkres.
Grades will be composed of 25% homework score, 25% midterm score and 50% final exam score.
Here is Homework 1. It is due on Monday September 16th at 11:59pm. Solutions are available.
Here is Homework 2. It is due on Tuesday Oct 1st at 11:59pm. Solutions are available.
Here is Homework 3. It is due on Sunday, October 27th at 11:59pm. LaTeX file: HW3.tex
Solutions are available.
Here is Homework 4. It is due on December 8th at 11:59 pm. Solutions are available.