We have to show that
Note that the left hand side is a sum of three terms — one involving one involving and one involving — and the right hand side is a sum of three terms — one involving one involving and one involving We’ll just show that the terms on the left hand side and right hand side are equal, i.e. that
Showing that the terms match and the terms match is done in the same way.
Special Geometry
We’ll first assume that the solid has the special form
where is some subset of the -plane. We can further assume that, for each we have After we’re finished with this special case, we’ll handle the general case.
Let’s work on first. As in the figure below,
the surface consists of three pieces — the top, the bottom and the side. We’ll consider each in turn.
The top is
3.3.2, on
is to be the outward normal, it must point upwards on
That’s why we have chosen, and emphasised, the “
” sign. So
The bottom is
3.3.2, on
is to be the outward normal, it must point downwards on
That’s why we have chosen the “
” sign. So
The side is
It runs vertically. Hence on
the normal vector to
is parallel to the
-plane so that
Now let us examine
by the fundamental theorem of calculus. That’s exactly what we had to show. The integrals () and () are equal.
General Geometry
Now we’ll drop the assumption on that we imposed in the “Special Geometry” section above. The key idea that makes the proof work is that we can cut up any into pieces, each of which does obey the special assumption that we just considered. Consider, for example, the sausage shaped solid in the figure on the left below.
Call the sausage Cut it into two halves by running a cleaver horizontally through its centre. This splits the solid into two halves, and as in the figure on the right above. It also splits the boundary of into two halves and also as in the figure on the right above. Note that
the boundary, of is the union of and the shaded disk (the cut introduced by the cleaver). On the cut the outward pointing normal to is
The boundary, of is the union of and the shaded disk On the cut the outward pointing normal to is
Now both and do satisfy the assumption of the “Special Geometry” section above. So
Here is the surface with normal vector and is the surface with normal vector So the second and fourth integrals are identical except that in the second integral and in the fourth integral. So they cancel exactly and
as desired.