Concentrate on any one the small pieces. Here is a greatly magnified sketch.
For example, the lower red curve was constructed by holding \(v\) fixed at the value \(v_0\text{,}\) varying \(u\) and sketching \(\vr(u,v_0)\text{,}\) and the upper red curve was constructed by holding \(v\) fixed at the slightly larger value \(v_0+\dee{v}\text{,}\) varying \(u\) and sketching \(\vr(u,v_0+\dee{v})\text{.}\) So the four intersection points in the figure are
P_2&=\vr(u_0, v_0+\dee{v}) &\qquad
P_3&=\vr(u_0+\dee{u}, v_0+\dee{v})\\
P_0&=\vr(u_0, v_0) &
P_1&=\vr(u_0+\dee{u}, v_0)
Now if
\vR(t) = \vr(u_0+t\dee{U}\,,\,v_0+t\dee{V})
(where \(\dee{U}\) and \(\dee{V}\) are any small constants) then, by Taylor expansion,
&\approx \big[\vR(0) +\vR'(0)\,\big(t-0\big)\big]_{t=1}\\
+\frac{\partial\vr}{\partial u}(u_0\,,\,v_0)\,\dee{U}
+\frac{\partial\vr}{\partial v}(u_0\,,\,v_0)\,\dee{V}
Applying this three times, once with \(\dee{U}=\dee{u}\text{,}\) \(\dee{V}=0\text{,}\) once with \(\dee{U}=0\) \(\dee{V}=\dee{v}\text{,}\) and once with \(\dee{U}=\dee{u}\text{,}\) \(\dee{V}=\dee{v}\text{,}\)
P_1&=\vr(u_0+\dee{u}, v_0)
&&\approx \vr(u_0\,,\,v_0)
+\frac{\partial\vr}{\partial u}(u_0\,,\,v_0)\,\dee{u}\\
P_2&=\vr(u_0, v_0+\dee{v})
&&\approx \vr(u_0\,,\,v_0)
+\frac{\partial\vr}{\partial v}(u_0\,,\,v_0)\,\dee{v}\\
P_3&=\vr(u_0+\dee{u}, v_0+\dee{v})
+\frac{\partial\vr}{\partial u}(u_0\,,\,v_0)\,\dee{u}
+\frac{\partial\vr}{\partial v}(u_0\,,\,v_0)\,\dee{v}
We have dropped all Taylor expansion terms that are of degree two or higher in
\(\dee{u}\text{,}\) \(\dee{v}\text{.}\) The reason is that, in defining the integral, we take the limit
\(\dee{u},\dee{v}\rightarrow 0\text{.}\) Because of that limit, all of the dropped terms contribute exactly
\(0\) to the integral. We shall not prove this. But we shall show, in the optional §
3.3.5, why this is the case.
Denote by \(\theta\) the angle between the vectors \(\overrightarrow{P_0P_1}\) and \(\overrightarrow{P_0P_2}\text{.}\) The base of the parallelogram, \(\overrightarrow{P_0P_1}\text{,}\) has length \(\big|\overrightarrow{P_0P_1}\big|\text{,}\) and the height of the parallelogram is \(\big|\overrightarrow{P_0P_2}\big|\,\sin\theta\text{.}\) So the area of the parallelogram is
|\overrightarrow{P_0P_1}|\ |\overrightarrow{P_0P_2}| \ \sin\theta
&= \big|\overrightarrow{P_0P_1}\times\overrightarrow{P_0P_2}\big|\\
&\approx \bigg|\frac{\partial\vr}{\partial u}(u_0\,,\,v_0)\times
\frac{\partial\vr}{\partial v}(u_0\,,\,v_0)\bigg|
Furthermore, \(\frac{\partial\vr}{\partial u}(u_0\,,\,v_0)\) and \(\frac{\partial\vr}{\partial v}(u_0\,,\,v_0)\) are tangent vectors to the curves \(\vr(t\,,\,v_0)\) and \(\vr(u_0\,,\,t)\) respectively. Both of these curves lie in \(S\text{.}\) So \(\frac{\partial\vr}{\partial u}(u_0\,,\,v_0)\) and \(\frac{\partial\vr}{\partial v}(u_0\,,\,v_0)\) are tangent vectors to \(S\) at \(\vr(u_0,v_0)\) and the cross product \(\frac{\partial\vr}{\partial u}(u_0\,,\,v_0)\times
\frac{\partial\vr}{\partial v}(u_0\,,\,v_0)\) is perpendicular to \(S\) at \(\vr(u_0,v_0)\text{.}\) We have found both \(\dee{S}\) and \(\hn\,\dee{S}\text{,}\) where \(\hn\) is a unit normal vector to the surface.