Notes on Differential Topology

Description: These are lecture notes on the first two chapters of Bott and Tu.

Main Reference:
[BT] R. Bott and L.W. Tu, Differential Forms in Algebraic Topology

Additional Reference:
[GH] P. Griffiths and J. Harris, "Principles of Algebraic Geometry"

Lecture Notes:

(1) Review of differential forms
[BT] 1.1

(2) Integration over manifolds
[BT] 1.3

(3) The de Rham cohomology
[BT] 1.4

(4) Mayer-Vietoris sequence
[BT] 1.2

(5) Poincare duality
[BT] 1.5

(6) Vector bundles
[BT] 1.6, [GH] 0.5, 1.1

(7) Thom isomorphism
[BT] 1.6

(8) U(1) bundles
[BT] 1.6

(9) Euler class and Poincare duality
[BT] 2.12

(10) Intersection product
[GH] 1.1, 4.1

(11) Euler class of the tangent bundle
[BT] 2.11

(12) Cech cohomology
[BT] 2.10

(13) Spectral sequence of a double complex
[BT] 3.14

(14) Spectral sequence of a fiber bundle
[BT] 3.14, 2.13