Dr. Neil Balmforth


This course provides an introduction to solution methods for ODEs.


The syllabus:
I. First-order ODEs (integrating factors, separable equations)
II. Second-order, constant coefficient ODEs (real, repeated and complex roots; homogeneous and inhomogeneous)
III. Systems of ODEs
IV. Laplace Transform methods
V. Fourier series
VI. Solution of partial differential equations by separation of variables

Assessment will involve coursework (homework problems) and examination.

Recommended texts:
Boyce and DiPrima, "Elementary differential equations and boundary value problems"
E. Kreiszig, "Advanced Engineering Mathematics"
On-line "Notes on Diffy Qs" by J. Lebl

Office hours: Monday 1:30-2:30, Friday 2:00-3:00 (in my office, Math 229C)

The TAs (for sections 101 and 102):
Deven Shidfar (devenshidfar@math)
Xinyang Li (xy35li@math)
TA office hours: TBA

Background knowledge
Fun with complex numbers
Notation and more
Some terse notes

Coursework involves Webwork, which must be accessed via Canvas: login using your CWL, then click on Assignments and Webworking

Lecture notes I
Lecture notes II
Lecture notes III
Lecture notes IV
Lecture notes V
Lecture notes VI
Lecture notes VII

Laplace transform table

Some video lectures:
Lecture 1 (linear, second-order, constant-coefficient ODEs)
Lecture 2 (sample ODE problems)
Lecture 3 (mechanical oscillators)
PDE example (material at the very end of the course)

Midterm-1 date: TBA
Sample midterm 1
Sample midterm 2
Another year's midterm
A midterm without a solution...
A midterm and its solution

Midterm-2 date: TBA
Sample midterm 1
Sample midterm 2
Terse solutions summary (there is a minor hiccup in question 3 of part 1 for the second sample, which is answering a slightly different question - the sign of a has switched)
Another year's midterm
And its solution
A midterm without a solution...
A midterm, plus solution

Two sample finals, some quick solutions
More finals
Another final
Please note that if the solution is not provided, you can always check your answer by substituting it back into the differential equation and any ICs/BCs to verify that it does indeed satisfy the problem

Department of Mathematics / Fluid Labs / Neil Balmforth / Courses