[116] M.T. Barlow, N.D. Marshall, R.C. Tyson.
Optimal shutdown strategies for COVID-19 with economic and mortality
costs: British Columbia as a case study.
Royal Society Open Science (2021). Link to published paper
[115] M.T. Barlow, D.A. Croydon, T. Kumagai.
Quenched and averaged tails of the heat kernel of the two-dimensional uniform spanning tree.
Prob. Th. Rel. Fields (2021). Preprint 2021. Link to published paper
[114] M.T. Barlow, M. Murugan, Z.-Q. Chen.
Stability of EHI and regularity of MMD spaces.
Preprint 2020.
[113] M.T. Barlow, D. Karli.
Some Boundary Harnack principles with uniform constants.
Potential Analysis 57 (2022), 433-446.
Version 1. Link to published paper
[112] M.T. Barlow.
A branching process with contact tracing.
Preprint 2020.
Version 1.
[111] M.T. Barlow, A.A. Jarai.
Geometry of uniform spanning forest components in high dimensions.
J. Canad. Math. Soc. 71(6), (2019), 1297-1321.
Version 1. Version 2.
[110] M.T. Barlow, M. Murugan.
Boundary Harnack principle and elliptic Harnack inequality.
J. Math. Soc Japan 71 (2019), 383-412.
Version 1.
[109] M.T. Barlow, M. Murugan.
Stability of elliptic Harnack inequality.
Ann. Math. 187 (2018), 777-823.
(Version 2.)
[108] M.T. Barlow, D.A. Croydon, T. Kumagai.
Subsequential scaling limits of simple random walk
on the two-dimensional uniform spanning tree
Ann. Probab. 45 No. 1., 4-55 (2017)
[107] M.T. Barlow, X. Chen.
Gaussian bounds and parabolic Harnack inequality on locally irregular graphs.
Version 1. Math. Annalen. 366 (3), 1677-1720 (2016).
[105] M.T. Barlow, K. Burdzy, A. Timar.
Comparison of quenched and annealed invariance
principles for random conductance model: Part II.
Festschrift M. Fukushima, World Scientific 2015. Version 1
[104] O. Angel, M.T. Barlow, O. Gurel-Gurevich, A. Nachmias.
Boundaries of planar graphs, via circle packings.
Version 1. Ann. Probab. 44 No. 3. (2016), 1956-1984.
[103] M.T. Barlow, K. Burdzy, A. Timar.
Comparison of quenched and annealed invariance
principles for random conductance model.
Prob. Th. Rel. Fields. 164 (2016), 741-770.
Version 1 .
Version 2 (significant changes) .
[101] S. Andres, M.T. Barlow.
Energy inequalities for cutoff functions and some applications.
J. fur reine angewandte Math. 699 (2015), 183-216.
Version 1.
[100] M.T. Barlow, A. Grigor'yan, T. Kumagai.
On the equivalence of parabolic Harnack inequalities
and heat kernel estimates.
J. Math. Soc. Japan 64, No. 4 (2012), 1091-1146.
Version 1. Version 2.
[99] S. Andres, M.T. Barlow, J-D Deuschel, B.M. Hambly.
Invariance principle for the random conductance model.
Prob. Th. Rel. Fields 156, No. 3--4 (2013), 535-580.
Version 1.
[98] M. T. Barlow, Y. Peres, P. Sousi.
Collisions of Random Walks.
Ann. IHP. Prob. Stat. 48 (2012), 922-946.
Version 1 .
[97] M.T. Barlow and R. Masson.
Spectral dimension and random walks on the two
dimensional uniform spanning tree.
Comm. Math. Phys. 305 (2011), no 1, 23-57.
Version 1.
[96] M. T. Barlow, J. Ding, A. Nachmias, Y. Peres.
The evolution of the cover time.
Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 20 (2011), 331-345.
Version 1 .
[93] M.T. Barlow and J. Cerny.
Convergence to fractional kinetics for
random walks associated with unbounded conductances.
PTRF 149, (2011), no 3-4, 639-673.
Version 1 (pdf) .
PTRF 149, (2011), no 3-4, 673-675.
[89] M.T. Barlow, R.F. Bass, T. Kumagai.
Parabolic Harnack inequality and heat kernel
estimates for random walks with long range jumps
Mathematische Zeitschrift 261 (2009), 297-320.
Version 1 (pdf)
Version 2 (pdf) .
Correction to Proposition 3.3.
[88] M.T. Barlow, A. Grigor'yan, T. Kumagai.
Heat kernel upper bounds for jump processes and the first exit time.
J. fuer Reine und Angewandte Mathematik 626 (2009), 135-157.
[87] M.T. Barlow, R.F. Bass, Z.-Q. Chen, M. Kassmann.
Non-local Dirichlet Forms and Symmetric Jump Processes.
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 361 (2009), 1963-1999.
Version 1 (pdf) .
Version 2 (pdf) .
[86] M.T. Barlow, A. A. Jarai, T. Kumagai, G. Slade.
Random walk on the incipient infinite cluster for
oriented percolation in high dimensions.
Comm. Math. Physics. 278 (2008), 385--431.
Version 1 (pdf) .
Version 2 (pdf) .
M.T. Barlow, R.F. Bass, T. Kumagai.
Note on the equivalence of parabolic Harnack
inequalities and heat kernel estimates
Unpublished manuscript 2005.
(pdf) .
[85] M.T. Barlow, T. Kumagai.
Random walk on the incipient infinite cluster on trees.
Illinois J. Math. 50 (Doob volume) (2006), 33-65.
Version 1.0 (March 2005)
Version 1.22 (June 2006) (pdf)
[83] M.T. Barlow, T. Coulhon and T. Kumagai.
Characterization of sub-Gaussian heat kernel estimates
on strongly recurrent graphs.
Comm. Pure Appl. Math. LVIII (2005), 1642-1677.
[82] M.T. Barlow.
Anomalous diffusion and stability of Harnack inequalities.
Surveys in Differential Geometry IX, ed. A. Grigor'yan, S.T. Yau, 1-27 (2005).
[81] M.T. Barlow.
Some remarks on the elliptic Harnack inequality.
Bull. Lond. Math. Soc. 37 (2005), 200-208.
[79] M.T. Barlow.
Heat kernels and sets with fractal structure.
Contemp. Math. 338 (2003)
[78] M.T. Barlow.
Random walks on supercritical percolation clusters.
Ann. Probab. 32 (2004), 3024-3084.
[76] M.T. Barlow and S.N. Evans.
Markov processes on vermiculated spaces.
In: Random walks and geometry , ed.
V. Kaimanovich, de Gruyter, Berlin, 2004.
[75] M.T. Barlow.
Which values of the volume growth and escape time exponent
are possible for a graph?
Revista Math. Iberoamericana. 20 (2004), 1-31.
[74] M.T. Barlow.
A diffusion model for electricity prices.
Mathematical Finance 12 (2002), 287-298.
(pdf) Figure 2 of this paper in gif format.
[72] M.T. Barlow, T. Kumagai.
Transition density asymptotics for some diffusion processes
with multi-fractal structures.
Elec. J. Probab. 6 , (2001) paper 9, 1-23.
M. Barlow, K. Burdzy, H. Kaspi, A. Mandelbaum.
Coalescence of skew Brownian motions.
Sem. Prob. XXXV , 202-205.
Lect. Notes Math. 1755 , Springer 2001.
[70] M.T. Barlow, R.F. Bass.
Divergence form operators on fractal-like domains.
J. Func. Anal. 175 (2000), 214-247.
M.T. Barlow, T. Coulhon and A. Grigor'yan.
Graphs and manifolds with slow heat kernel decay.
Invent. Math. 144 (2001), 609-649.
M.T. Barlow, R.F. Bass, C. Gui.
The Liouville property and a conjecture of De Giorgi.
Comm. Pure. Appl. Math. LIII (2000), 1007-1038.
[65] M.T. Barlow.
On the Liouville property for divergence form operators.
Canadian J. Math. 50 (1998), 487-496.
M.T. Barlow, M. Emery, F.B. Knight, S. Song, M. Yor.
Autour d'um theoreme de Tsirelson sur les filtrations
Browniennes et non Browniennes.
Seminaire de Probabilites XXXII, Lect. Notes Math. 1686, 1998
[63] M.T. Barlow and R.F. Bass.
Random walks on graphical Sierpinski carpets.
In: Random walks and discrete potential theory,
ed. M. Picardello, W. Woess, CUP 1999.
[62] M.T. Barlow. St Flour Lecture Notes: Diffusions on Fractals.
In: Lect. Notes Math. 1690 .
(pdf) Letter from George Maxwell. (See Remarks 5.25 (3)).
M.T. Barlow, K. Hattori, T. Hattori, H. Watanabe.
Weak homogenization of anisotropic diffusion on pre-Sierpinski
Comm. Math. Phys. 188 (1997), 1-27.
Here are scans of some of my older papers:
[41] M.T. Barlow and E.A. Perkins.
On pathwise uniqueness and expansion of filtrations.
Sem. Prob. XXIV , 194-209, Lect. Notes Math.
1426 , Springer, Berlin, 1990.
[39] M.T. Barlow and P. Protter.
On convergence of semimartingales.
Sem. Prob. XXIV , 188-193,
Lect. Notes Math. 1426 ,
Springer, Berlin, 1990.
[36] M.T. Barlow, J. Pitman and M. Yor.
On Walsh's Brownian Motions.
Sem. Prob. XXIII , 275-293,
Lect. Notes Math. 1372 ,
Springer, Berlin-New York 1989.
[23] M.T. Barlow, E.A. Perkins and S.J. Taylor.
The behaviour and construction of local time for Levy
Seminar on Stochastic
Processes 1984 , 23-54, Birkhauser, Boston 1986
[20] M.T. Barlow and E.A. Perkins.
Levels at which every Brownian excursion is exceptional.
Sem. Prob. XVIII , 1-28, Lect. Notes in Math.
1059 , Springer, Berlin-New York 1984.
[16] M.T. Barlow and E.A. Perkins.
Strong existence, uniqueness and
nonuniqueness in an equation involving local time.
Sem. Prob. XVII , 32-66,
Lect. Notes in Math. 986 , Springer, 1983.
[12] M.T. Barlow. L(B(t),t) is not a semi-martingale.
Sem. Prob. XVI , 209-211,
Lect. Notes in Math. 920 , Springer, Berlin 1982.
[10] M.T. Barlow.
On Brownian local time.
189-190, Lect. Notes in Math. 850 ,
Springer, Berlin 1981.
[9] M.T. Barlow and D.J. Aldous.
On countable dense random sets. Sem. Prob. XV
311-327, Lect. Notes in Math. 850 ,
Springer, Berlin 1981.