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Newly submitted
- 160. Rokhforouz, M.-R., Sin, D. D., Hedtrich, S. & Feng, J. J., Brownian dynamics simulation of the diffusion of rod-like nanoparticle in polymeric gels. Soft Matter (submitted 2025)
- 159. Li, L., Zhang, J., Yue, P. & Feng, J. J., Mechanical interaction between a hydrogel and an embedded cell in biomicrofluidic applications. Biomicrofluidics (submitted 2025)
- 158. Xu, Z. & Feng, J. J., A structural model for yielding and degelation of hydrogels. J. Rheol. (submitted 2025)
- 157. Wang, Q., Zhang, J., Bates, D., Feng, J. J., Yue, P. & Wu, Q., Fluid mechanical study of rotation-induced traumatic brain injury. Phys. Rev. Fluids (accepted 2025)

- 156. Lu, R., Li, J., Guo, Z., Wang, Z., Feng, J. J. & Sui, Y., Transient flow-induced deformation of cancer cells in microchannels: a general computational model and experiments. Biomech. Model. Mechanobiol. (2025)

- 155. Xu, Z., Yue, P. & Feng, J. J., Estimating the interfacial permeability for flow into a poroelastic medium. Soft Matter 20, 7357-7361 (2024)
(Featured as HOT Soft Matter article)
- 154. Xu, Z., Yue, P. & Feng, J. J., Hystereses in flow-induced compression of a poroelastic hydrogel. Soft Matter 20, 6940-6951 (2024)

- 153. Xu, Z., Yue, P. & Feng, J. J., A theory of hydrogel mechanics that couples swelling and external flow. Soft Matter 20, 5389-5406 (2024)

- 152. Tafech, B., Rokhforouz, M.-R., Leung, J., Sung, M. M. H., Lin, P. J. C., Sin, D. D., Lauster, D., Block, S., Quon, B. S., Tam, Y., Cullis, P., Feng, J. J. & Hedtrich, S., Exploring mechanisms of lipid nanoparticle-mucus interactions in healthy and cystic fibrosis conditions. Adv. Healthcare Mater. 2024, 2304525 (2024)

- 151. Feng, J. J. & Yue, P., Phase-field modeling of contact line dynamics. Encyclopedia of Solid-Liquid Interfaces, edited by G. Bussetti & K. Wandelt, Elsevier. Vol. 2, pp. 203-214 (2024).
- 150. Löwa, A., Feng, J. J. & Hedtrich, S., Human disease models in drug development. Nat. Rev. Bioeng. 1, 545-559 (2023) (Invited Review)

- 149. Ashour, D. J., Durney, C. H., Herrero, V. J. P., Stevens, T. J.,
Feng, J. J. & Röper, K., Zasp52 strengthens whole embryo tissue integrity through supracellular actomyosin networks. Development 150, dev201238 (2023)
(Featured on issue cover)
- 148. Wang, Z., Lu, R., Wang, W., Tian, F. B., Feng, J. J. & Sui, Y., A computational model for the transit of a cancer cell through a constricted microchannel. Biomech. Model. Mechanobiol. 22, 1129-1143 (2023)

- 147. Xu, Z., Yue, P. & Feng, J. J., Poroelastic modeling reveals the cooperation between two mechanisms for albuminuria. J. R. Soc. Interface 20, 20220634 (2023)

- 146. Feng, J. J. & Hedtrich, S., A similarity scaling approach for organ-on-chip devices. Lab Chip 22, 3663-3667 (2022).

- 145. Xu, Z., Zhang, J., Young, Y.-N., Yue, P. & Feng, J. J., Comparison of four boundary conditions for the fluid-hydrogel interface. Phys. Rev. Fluids 7, 093301 (2022)

- 144. Bohiniková, A., Jančigová, I., Cimrák, I. & Feng, J. J., Sensitivity analysis of adhesion in computational model of elastic doublet. In Rojas, I., Valenzuela, O., Rojas, F., Herrera, L.J., Ortuño, F. (eds) Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering. IWBBIO 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 13347, 220-233 (2022).

- 143. Loudet, J.-C., Choudhury, A., Qiu, M. & Feng, J. J., Particle trapped at the isotropic-nematic liquid crystal interface: Elasto-capillary phenomena and drag forces. Phys. Rev. E 105, 044607 (2022).

- 142. Li, L., Zhang, J., Xu, Z, Young, Y.-N., Feng, J. J. & Yue, P., An arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian method for simulating interfacial dynamics between a hydrogel and a fluid. J. Comput. Phys. 451, 110851 (2022)

- 141. Arefi, S. M. A., Yang, C. W. T., Sin, D. D. & Feng, J. J., A mechanical test of the tenertaxis hypothesis for leukocyte diapedesis. Eur. Phys. J. E 44, 93 (2021)

- 140. Durney, C. H. & Feng, J. J., A three-dimensional vertex model for Drosophila salivary gland invagination. Phys. Biol. 18, 046005 (2021)
- 139. Hemauer, J., Qiu, M, Feng, J. J. & Loudet, J.-C., Particle rotation speeds up capillary interactions. Eur. Phys. J. E 44, 30 (2021)

- 138. Qiu, M, Feng, J. J. & Loudet, J.-C., Phase-field model for elasto-capillary flows of liquid crystals. Phys. Rev. E 103, 022706 (2021)

- 137. Choudhury, A., Dey, M. Dixit, H. N. & Feng, J. J., Tear-film breakup: the role of membrane-associated mucin polymers. Phys. Rev. E 103, 013108 (2021)

- 136. Tofighi, N., Feng, J. J., Yildiz, M. & Suleman, A., Long term sedimentation of an elliptic disc subject to an electrostatic field using smoothed particle hydrodynamics method. Int. J. Multiphase Flow 135, 103524 (2021)

- 135. Feng, J. J. & Young, Y.-N., Boundary conditions at a gel-fluid interface. Phys. Rev. Fluids 5, 124304 (2020)

- 134. Arefi, S. M. A., Yang, C. W. T., Sin, D. D. & Feng, J. J., Simulation of nanoparticle transport and adsorption in a microfluidic lung-on-a-chip device. Biomicrofluidics 14, 044117 (2020)
(BMF Featured Article, Highlighted in AIP Scilight)
- 133. Xu, X., Dey, M., Qiu, M. & Feng, J. J., Modeling of van der Waals force with smoothed particle hydrodynamics: application to the rupture of thin liquid films. Appl. Math. Model. 83, 719-735 (2020)

- 132. Arefi, S. M. A., Tsvirkun, D., Verdier, C. & Feng, J. J., A biomechanical model for the transendothelial migration of cancer cells. Phys. Biol. 17, 036004 (2020)

- 131. Merchant, B. & Feng, J. J., A Rho-GTPase based model explains group advantage in collective chemotaxis of neural crest cells. Phys. Biol. 17, 036002 (2020)

- 130. Loudet, J.-C., Qiu, M., Hemauer, J. & Feng, J. J., Drag force on a particle straddling a fluid interface: influence of interfacial deformations. Eur. Phys. J. E 43, 13 (2020)
(Featured in Europhysics News, Phys.Org, Science Daily)
- 129. Tofighi, N., Yildiz, M., Ozbulut, M., Feng, J. J. & Suleman, A., Dielectrophoretic interaction of circular particles in a uniform electric field. Euro. J. Mech. B Fluids 78, 194-202 (2019).

- 128. Wang, F., Contò, F. P., Castrejón-Pita, J. R., Castrejón-Pita, A. A., Bailey, C. G., Wang, W., Feng, J. J. & Sui, Y., A fate-alternating transitional regime in contracting liquid filaments. J. Fluid Mech. 860, 640-653 (2019).

- 127. Gao, P., Liu, A., Feng, J. J., Ding, H. & Lu, X.-Y., Forced dewetting in a capillary tube. J. Fluid Mech. 859, 308-320 (2019).

- 126. Dey, M., Vivek, A. S., Dixit, H. N., Richhariya, A. & Feng, J. J., A model of tear-film breakup with continuous mucin concentration and viscosity profiles. J. Fluid Mech. 858, 352-376 (2019).
- 125. Durney, C. H., Harris, T. J. C. & Feng, J. J., Dynamics of PAR proteins explain the oscillation and ratcheting mechanisms in dorsal closure. Biophys. J. 115, 2230-2241 (2018).
(Preprint highlighted by PreLights.)
- 124. Lim, C. S., Fernandez-Gonzalez, R. & Feng, J. J., Modeling cell intercalation during Drosophila germband extension. Phys. Biol. 15, 066008 (2018).

- 123. Merchant, B., Edelstein-Keshet, L. & Feng, J. J., A Rho-GTPase based model explains spontaneous collective migration of neural crest cell clusters. Dev. Biol. 444, S262-S273 (2018). Part of Special Issue: The Neural Crest: 150 years after His' discovery.

- 122. Qiu, M., Afkhami, S. Chen, C.-Y. & Feng, J. J., Interaction of a pair of ferrofluid drops in a rotating magnetic field. J. Fluid Mech. 846, 121-142 (2018).

- 121. Zenit, R. & Feng, J. J., Hydrodynamic interactions among bubbles, drops, and particles in non-Newtonian liquids. Ann. Rev. Fluid Mech. 50, 505-534 (2018). (invited review).

- 120. Liu, F., Chavez, R. L., Patek, S. N., Pringle, A., Feng, J. J. & Chen, C.-H., Asymmetric drop coalescence launches fungal ballistospores with directionality. J. R. Soc. Interface 14, 20170083 (2017).
Coverage in popular press.
- 119. Feng, J. J. & Chen, C.-Y., Interfacial dynamics in complex fluids. J. Fluid Sci. Tech. 11 (4), JFST0021 (2016). (invited review).

- 118. Tofighi, N., Ozbulut, M., Feng, J. J. & Yildiz, Y., The effect of normal electric field on the evolution of immiscible Rayleigh-Taylor instability. Theor. Comput. Fluid Dyn. 30, 469-483 (2016).

- 117. Chavez, R. L., Liu, F., Feng, J. J. & Chen, C.-H., Capillary-inertial colloidal catapults upon drop coalescence. Appl. Phys. Lett. 109, 011601 (2016).

- 116. Gao, P., Li, L., Feng, J. J., Ding, D. & Lu, X.-Y., Film deposition and transition on a partially wetting plate in dip coating. J. Fluid Mech. 791, 358-383 (2016).

- 115. Wu, T., Guo, Q., Ma, H. & Feng, J. J., The critical pressure for driving a red blood cell through a contracting microfluidic channel. Theor. Appl. Mech. Lett. 5, 227-230 (2015).

- 114. Wu, T. & Feng, J. J., Modeling the mechanosensitivity of neutrophils passing through a narrow channel. Biophys. J. 109, 2235-2245 (2015).

- 113. Lan, H., Wang, Q., Fernandez-Gonzalez, R. & Feng, J. J., A biomechanical model for cell polarization and intercalation during Drosophila germband extension. Phys. Biol. 12, 056011 (2015).
- 112. Zhang, K., Liu, F., Williams, A. J., Qu, X., Feng, J. J. & Chen, C.-H., Self-propelled droplet removal from hydrophobic fiber-based coalescers. Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 074502 (2015).
Featured in Physics Focus by the American Physical Society.
- 111. Tofighi, N., Ozbulut, M., Rahmat, A., Feng, J. J. & Yildiz, M., An incompressible smoothed particle hydrodynamics method for the motion of rigid bodies in fluids. J. Comput. Phys. 297, 207-220 (2015).

- 110. Qu, X., Boreyko, J. B., Liu, F., Agapov, R. L., Lavrik, N. V., Retterer, S. T., Feng, J. J., Collier, C. P. & Chen, C.-H., Self-propelled sweeping removal of dropwise condensate. Appl. Phys. Lett. 106, 221601 (2015).

- 109. Mohammadigoushki, H. & Feng, J. J., Temporal evolution of microstructure and rheology of sheared two-dimensional foams. J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech. 223, 1-8 (2015).

- 108. Wu, T. & Feng, J. J., A biomechanical model for fluidization of cells under dynamic strain. Biophys. J. 108, 43-52 (2015).

- 107. Mohammadigoushki, H., Yue, P. & Feng, J. J., Bubble migration in two-dimensional foam sheared in a wide-gap Couette device: effects of non-Newtonian rheology. J. Rheol. 58, 1809-1827 (2014).

- 106. Mehrabian, H. & Feng, J. J., Auto-ejection of liquid drops from capillary tubes. J. Fluid Mech. 752, 670-692 (2014).

- 105. Tofighi, N., Ozbulut, M., Rahmet, A., Yildiz, M. & Feng, J. J., Descent of a solid disk in quiescent fluid simulated using incompressible smoothed particle hydrodynamics. Proc. 11th World Congr. on Comput. Mech. (WCCM XI), E. Oñate, J. Oliver and A. Huerta (Eds) 5, 5310-5318 (2014).

- 104. Liu, F., Ghigliotti, G., Feng, J. J. & Chen, C. H., Numerical simulations of self-propelled jumping upon drop coalescence on non-wetting surfaces. J. Fluid Mech. 752, 39-65 (2014).

- 103. Liu, F., Ghigliotti, G., Feng, J. J. & Chen, C. H., Self-propelled jumping upon drop coalescence on Leidenfrost surfaces. J. Fluid Mech. 752, 22-38 (2014).

- 101. Ahmadlouydarab, M. & Feng, J. J., Motion and coalescence of sessile drops driven by substrate wetting gradient and external flow. J. Fluid Mech. 746, 214-235 (2014).

- 100. David, D. J. V., Wang, Q., Feng, J. J. & Harris, T. J. C., Bazooka inhibits aPKC to limit antagonism of actomyosin networks during amnioserosa apical constriction. Development 140, 4719-4729 (2013).

- 99. Wu, T. & Feng, J. J., Simulation of malaria-infected red blood cells in microfluidic channels: Passage and blockage. Biomicrofluidics 7, 044115 (2013).

- 98. Ghigliotti, G., Zhou, C. & Feng, J. J., Simulations of the breakup of liquid filaments on a partially wetting solid substrate. Phys. Fluids 25, 072102 (2013).

- 97. Mohammadigoushki, H. & Feng, J. J., Size segregation in sheared two-dimensional polydisperse foam. Langmuir 29, 1370-1378 (2013).

- 96. Mehrabian, H. & Feng, J. J., Capillary breakup of a liquid torus. J. Fluid Mech. 717, 281-292 (2013).

- 95. Wang, Q., Feng, J. J. & Pismen, L. M., A cell-level biomechanical model of Drosophila dorsal closure. Biophys. J. 103, 2265-2274 (2012).
Highlighted as New and Notable in commentary by Nicole Gorfinkiel, Biophys. J., 104, Issue 1, pp. 1-3, 8 January 2013.
- 94. Yue, P. & Feng, J. J., Phase-field simulations of dynamic wetting of viscoelastic fluids. J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech. 189-190, 8-13 (2012).

- 93. Mohammadigoushki, H. & Feng, J. J., Size-differentiated lateral migration of bubbles in Couette flow of two-dimensional foam. Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 084502 (2012).

- 92. Ahmadlouydarab, M., Liu, Z.-S. & Feng, J. J., Relative permeability for two-phase flow through corrugated tubes as model porous media. Int. J. Multiphase Flow 47, 85-93 (2012).

- 91. Huang, J. J., Shu, C., Feng, J. J. & Chew, Y. T., A phase-field based hybrid lattice-Boltzmann finite-volume method and its application to droplet motion under electrowetting control. J. Adhesion Sci. Tech. 26, 1825-1851 (2012).

- 90. Hosseini, S. M. & Feng, J. J., How malaria parasites reduce the deformability of infected RBC. Biophys. J. 103, 1-10 (2012).

- 89. Mohammadigoushki, H., Ghigliotti, G. & Feng, J. J., Anomalous coalescence in sheared two-dimensional foam. Phys. Rev. E 85, 066301 (2012).

- 88. Mehrabian, H., Gao, P. & Feng, J. J., Wicking flow through microchannels. Phys. Fluids 23, 122108 (2011).

- 87. Vanderlei, B., Feng, J. J. & Edelstein-Keshet, L., A computational model of cell polarization and motility coupling mechanics and biochemistry. SIAM Multiscale Model. Simul. 9, 1420-1443 (2011).

- 86. Ahmadlouydarab, M., Liu, Z.-S. & Feng, J. J., Interfacial flows in corrugated microchannels: flow regimes, transitions and hysteresis. Int. J. Multiphase Flow 37, 1266-1276 (2011).

- 85. Gao, P. & Feng, J. J., Spreading and breakup of a compound drop on a partially wetting substrate. J. Fluid Mech. 682, 415-433 (2011).

- 84. Hosseini, S. M. & Feng, J. J., Pressure boundary conditions for computing incompressible flows with SPH. J. Comput. Phys. 230, 7473-7487 (2011).

- 82. Feng, J. J., Discussion notes on "Slip velocity during the flow of a liquid over a solid surface", by E. Ruckenstein. Eur. Phys. J - Spec. Top. 197, 211 (2011).

- 81. Yue, P. & Feng, J. J., Wall energy relaxation in the Cahn-Hilliard model for moving contact lines. Phys. Fluids 23, 012106 (2011).

- 80. Gao, P. & Feng, J. J., A numerical investigation of the propulsion of water walkers J. Fluid Mech. 668, 363-383 (2011).

- 79. Vélez-Cordero, J. R., Sámano, D., Yue, P., Feng, J. J. & Zenit, R., Hydrodynamic interaction between a pair of bubbles ascending in shear-thinning inelastic fluids. J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech. 166, 118-132 (2011).

- 77. Zhou, D. & Feng, J. J., Selective withdrawal of polymer solutions: computations. J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech. 165, 839-851 (2010).

- 76. Zhou, D. & Feng, J. J., Selective withdrawal of polymer solutions: experiments. J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech. 165, 829-838 (2010).

- 75. Zhou, C., Yue, P. & Feng, J. J., Dynamic simulation of capillary breakup of nematic fibers: molecular orientation and interfacial rupture. J. Comput. Theor. Nanosci. 7, 683-692 (2010)

- 74. Yue, P., Zhou, C. & Feng, J. J., Sharp interface limit of the Cahn-Hilliard model for moving contact lines. J. Fluid Mech. 645, 279-294 (2010).

- 73. Zhou, C., Yue, P., Feng, J. J., Ollivier-Gooch, C. F. & Hu, H. H., 3D phase-field simulations of interfacial dynamics in Newtonian and viscoelastic fluids. J. Comput. Phys. 229, 498-511 (2010).

- 72. Gao, P., Feng, J. J., Enhanced slip on a patterned substrate due to depinning of contact line. Phys. Fluids 21, 102102 (2009).

- 71. Hosseini, S. M. & Feng, J. J., A particle-based model for simulating erythrocyte deformation and transport through capillaries. Chem. Eng. Sci. 64, 4488-4497 (2009).

- 70. Xia, Z., Connington, K., Rapaka, S., Yue, P., Feng, J. J. & Chen, S., Flow patterns in the sedimentation of an elliptical particle. J. Fluid Mech. 625, 249-272 (2009).

- 69. Naber, A., Liu, C. & Feng, J. J., The nucleation and growth of gas bubbles in a Newtonian fluid: an energetic variational phase field approach. in Moving Interface Problems and Applications in Fluid Dynamics (AMS Contemporary Mathematics Series, Vol. 466, eds. K. B. Cheong, Z. Li and P. Lin). pp. 95-120. American Mathematics Society (2008).

- 68. Yue, P., Zhou, C., Dooley, J. & Feng, J. J., Elastic encapsulation in bicomponent stratified flow of viscoelastic fluids. J. Rheol. 52, 1027-1042 (2008).

- 67. Patil, P. D., Ochoa, I., Feng, J. J. & Hatzikiriakos, S. G., Viscoelastic Flow Simulation of
Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) Paste Extrusion. J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech. 153, 25-33 (2008).

- 66. Zhou, C., Yue, P. & Feng, J. J., Dynamic simulation of droplet interaction and self-assembly in a nematic liquid crystal. Langmuir 24, 3099-3110 (2008).

- 65. Zhou, D., Yue, P. & Feng, J. J., Viscoelastic effects on drop deformation in a converging pipe flow. J. Rheol. 52, 469-487 (2008).

- 64. Yue, P., Dooley, J. & Feng, J. J., A general criterion for viscoelastic secondary flow in pipes of noncircular cross section. J. Rheol. 52, 315-332 (2008).

- 63. Zhou, C., Yue, P. & Feng, J. J., Deformation of a compound drop through a contraction in a pressure-driven pipe flow. Int. J. Multiphase Flow 34, 102-109 (2008).

- 62. Khullar, S., Zhou, C. & Feng, J. J., Dynamic evolution of topological defects around drops and bubbles rising in a nematic liquid crystal. Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 237802 (2007).

- 61. Zhou, C., Yue, P. & Feng, J. J.,
The rise of Newtonian drops in a nematic liquid crystal. J. Fluid
Mech. 593, 385-404 (2007).

- 60. Yue, P., Feng, J. J., Bertelo, C. A.
& Hu, H. H., An arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian method for simulating
bubble growth in polymer foaming. J. Comput. Phys. 226, 2229-2249 (2007).

- 59. Hamlington, B. D., Steinhaus, B., Feng,
J. J., Link, D., Shelley, M. J. & Shen, A. Q., Liquid crystal
droplet production in a microfluidic device. Liq. Cryst. 34, 861-870 (2007).

- 58. Burghelea, T., Wielage-Burchard, K.,
Frigaard, I. A., Martinez, D. M. & Feng, J. J., A novel low inertia shear flow
instability triggered by a chemical reaction.
Phys. Fluids 19, 083102 (2007).
- 57. Yu, R., Yu, W., Zhou, C. & Feng, J. J., Rheology and relaxation processes in a melting thermotropic liquid-crystalline polymer. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 104, 3780-3787 (2007).
- 56. Zhou, C., Yue, P., Feng, J. J., Liu, C.
& Shen, J., Heart-shaped bubbles rising in anisotropic liquids. Phys.
Fluids 19, 041703 (2007).
- 55. Zhou, C., Yue, P. & Feng, J. J.,
Simulation of neutrophil deformation and transport in capillaries using
Newtonian and viscoelastic drop models. Ann. Biomed. Eng.
35, 766-780 (2007).

- 54. Yue, P., Zhou, C. & Feng, J. J.,
Spontaneous shrinkage of drops and mass conservation in phase-field
simulations. J. Comput. Phys. 223, 1-9 (2007).

- 53. Patil, P. D., Feng, J. J. &
Hatzikiriakos, S. G., An approximate flow model for
polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) past extrusion through annular dies. AIChE
J. 52, 4028-4038 (2006).
- 52. Chin, L., Yue, P., Feng, J. J. &
Seow, C. Y., Mathematical simulation of muscle crossbridge cycle and
force-velocity relationship. Biophys. J. 91, 3653-3663

- 51. Yue,
P., Zhou, C, Feng, J. J., Ollivier-Gooch, C. F. & Hu, H. H.,
Phase-field simulations of interfacial dynamics in viscoelastic fluids
using finite elements with adaptive meshing. J. Comput. Phys. 219,
47-67 (2006).
- 50. Yue, P., Zhou, C. & Feng, J. J., A
computational study of the coalescence between a drop and an interface
in Newtonian and viscoelastic fluids. Phys. Fluids 18,
102102 (2006).

- 49. Patil,
P. D., Feng, J. J. & Hatzikiriakos, S. G. Microstructural modeling
and flow simulation of polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) paste extrusion. J.
Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech. 139, 44-53 (2006).
- 47. Yu, R., Yu, W., Zhou, C. &
Feng, J. J., Dynamic interfacial tension between a thermotropic
liquid-crystalline polymer and a flexible polymer. J. Appl. Polym.
Sci. 101, 3114-3120 (2006).
- 46. Yang,
X., Feng, J. J., Liu, C. & Shen, J., Contraction and pinch-off
phenomena of a liquid filament. J. Comput. Phys. 218,
417-428 (2006).
- 45. Chen, X., Mandre, S. & Feng, J. J.
An experimental study of the coalescence between a drop and an
interface in Newtonian and polymeric liquids. Phys. Fluids 18,
092103 (2006).

- 44. Chen, X., Mandre, S. & Feng, J. J.,
Partial coalescence between a drop and a liquid-liquid interface. Phys.
Fluids 18, 051705 (2006).

- 43. Chen,
X., Feng,
J. J. & Bertelo, C. A. Plasticization effects on bubble growth
during polymer foaming. Polym. Eng. Sci. 46,
97-107 (2006).

- 42. Feng, J. J. Theoretical aspects of liquid
crystals and liquid crystalline polymers. in Encyclopedia of Chemical Processing,
2nd edition, editor: Sunggyu Lee. pp. 2955-2964. CRC Press,
Boca Raton (2006).

- 41. Feng,
J. J., Liu, C., Shen, J. & Yue, P. An energetic variational
formulation with phase field methods for interfacial dynamics of
complex fluids: advantages and challenges. in Modeling of Soft
Matter (IMA Volumes in Mathematics and its Applications, Vol. 141,
eds. M.-C. T. Calderer and E. Terentjev). pp. 1-26. Springer, New York

- 40. Yue,
P., Feng,
J. J., Liu, C. & Shen, J. Transient drop deformation upon
startup of shear in viscoelastic fluids. Phys. Fluids 17,
123101 (2005).

- 39. Yue,
P., Feng,
J. J., Liu, C. & Shen, J. Viscoelastic effects on drop
deformation in steady shear. J. Fluid Mech. 540,
427-437 (2005).

- 38. Yue,
P., Feng,
J. J., Liu, C. & Shen, J. Interfacial forces and Marangoni flow
on a nematic drop retracting in an isotropic fluid. J. Colloid
Interface Sci. 290, 281-288 (2005).

- 37. Yue,
P., Feng,
J. J., Liu, C. & Shen, J. Diffuse-interface simulations of drop
coalescence and retraction in viscoelastic fluids. J. Non-Newtonian
Fluid Mech. 129, 163-176 (2005).

- 36. Liu,
C., Shen, J., Feng,
J. J. & Yue, P. Variational approach in two-phase flows of
complex fluids: transport and induced elastic stress, Chapter 11 in Mathematical
Models and Methods in Phase Transitions, editor: Alain Miranville.
pp. 259-278.
Nova Publishers, New York (2005).

- 35. Yu, R.,
Yu, W., Zhou, C. & Feng, J. J. Extensional viscosity of a thermotropic liquid crystalline (TLCP) by thread disintegration method. Polym. Testing 24,
513-518 (2005).

- 34. Yu, R.,
Yu, W., Zhou, C. & Feng, J. J.
Dynamic interfacial properties between a flexible isotropic polymer and
a TLCP investigated by an ellipsoidal drop retraction method. J.
Appl. Polym. Sci. 94, 1404-1410 (2004).

- 33. Yue,
P., Feng,
J. J., Liu, C. & Shen, J. A diffuse-interface method for
simulating two-phase flows of complex fluids. J. Fluid Mech. 515, 293-317 (2004).

- 32. Feng, J. J.
& Bertelo, C. A. Prediction of bubble growth and size distribution
in polymer foaming based on a new heterogeneous nucleation model. J.
Rheol. 48 (2),
439-462 (2004).

- 31. Feng, J. J.
& Zhou, C. Orientational defects near colloidal particles
in a nematic liquid crystal. J. Colloid Interface Sci. 269,
72-78 (2004).

- 30. Feng, J. J.
Stretching of an electrically charged viscoelastic Jet. J.
Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech. 116, 55-70 (2003).

- 29. Tao, J.
& Feng,
J. J. Effects of elastic anisotropy on the flow and
orientation of sheared nematic liquid crystals. J. Rheol.47,
1051-1070 (2003).

- 28. Gan,
H., Feng,
J. J. & Hu, H. H. Simulation of the sedimentation of melting
solid particles. Int. J. Multiphase Flow. 29, 751-769

- 27. Gan,
H., Chang, J., Feng, J. J.
& Hu, H. H. Direct numerical simulation of the sedimentation of
solid particles with thermal convection. J. Fluid Mech. 481,
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